Chapter 14; Begin Again

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Shinobu Kocho

"She's awakening!" A kakushi screamed.

"Quick, get her meds!" Someone else yelled.

"Scoot over, will you? Geez, you're so loud that the entire infinity castle can hear you." That's Yushiro's voice, I realized.

"She's alive. Get her to safety." And then I went into unconsciousness again.


I heard the familiar sounds of hospital people shuffling and taking notes. Then I faded away.


"It's been months now!"

"Calm down. The others are still asleep too."

"But she was in the worse condition!"

"It's going to be fine. She'll come back to us."

"The doctor said if she doesn't wake up soon, she might never wake up."


I tried to open my eyes, but they were heavy and dark. The light was too bright. I shut them again.

"Shinobu! You're awake." Kanao's voice. I blinked my eyes open again and saw the hazy lights of the butterfly mansion.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Douma snapped your spine, but somehow, it didn't kill you because your ribs were kinda messed up, and he absorbed your blood from the wounds. However, I cut him in half and the blood he drank had to be circulated faster to heal him, which meant the poison worked faster. He managed to drink a lot of your blood-bleh, I don't like saying that. The kakushi donated lots of blood to you. You should recover fine. We didn't tell anyone because we didn't want to get their hopes up." Kanao said. My head hurt so bad, and everything was fuzzy.

"T-Tomioka?" I asked. If he was would completely destroy me.

"No, he's alive, but still unconscious." Kanao said. "I woke up the quickest out of all of us." She smiled sadly. "Not many lived. Only Shinazugawa-San, you, and Tomioka-San out of all the hashiras lived. I guess I didn't do enough, or I should still be unconcious." She laughed sadly. I hated how she said that.

"Don't say that! You did plenty." I said. I drifted back into sleep again.


After a week, I managed to be able to be pushed around by a wheelchair. My spine wasn't badly damaged, but they surgically removed my left lung because it could get infected (don't ask how they know such high tech stuff just go along with it) and my right leg, at where the calf is, was unable to be moved, nor felt anymore.

I walked self consciously towards Tomioka-san's hospital room. He was awake, talking to Tanjiro. Tanjiro's eyes lit up, but then he blinked the light away as he talked to Tomioka-San.

"...reminds me, I have something to tell Nezuko. I'll come right back." Tanjiro said. He ran out, pushing me out of view. I saw his crippled arm and put my hand up to my mouth in shock, but he waved it off.

"Don't worry, I'm all good. Tomioka-San doesn't know your alive. I know it's mean, but imagine how happy he'll be when he sees you!" Tanjiro said, smiling. I nodded.

"So...what do  I do?" I asked.

"Simple. Go in there, surprise him." Tanjiro said.

I slowly crept in there, my wheelchair squeaking. I winced at the sound.

"Tanjiro, for someone like you, you aren't very quiet-" He turned around and looked straight into my eyes.

"Sh-Shinobu?" He asked. I nodded. Tears ran down his face as he hugged me. I opened my arms wide and he collapsed into my embrace. Tanjiro was looking into the room, grinning.

"H-how are you alive? T-the crow..." he stuttered.

"Turns out the crow was wrong." I said. My eyes flickered to his hand. I grabbed it, holding it up. "What happened?"

"Muzan happened. It's fine. It doesn't hurt. How are your wounds?" He asked.

"Healing slowly." I said, not wanting him to worry too much. "The calf of my right leg doesn't work anymore, but it's fine." I smiled. "One of my lungs was removed so there's no chance of infection."

" know we only have three years together, right?" Tomioka asked.

"Better three years than none at all."

He refused to stop clinging onto my hand until I said I had to use the restroom. Slowly pushing my wheelchair to the bathroom, maybe things weren't so bad after all.

Giyu Tomioka

Shinobu is the best thing that ever happened to me. We got engaged right after we were both healed, and now, we were peacefully living next to the giant wisteria tree. The butterfly mansion was given to Kanao, since Shinobu didn't like being there.

"It reminds me too much of what we've lost." She said.

My estate was given to Hashibira and his girlfriend. I didn't want all the empty space, and it had too many memories for me.

We were building a house next to a wisteria tree forest. Shinobu sat on the tree stump as we looked at the sunset. Her haori was destroyed, but we managed to find some pieces of it and Nezuko managed to mend them. In turn, we spoiled Nezuko with as many gifts as possible.

We managed to create a new home.

So let life begin again.

Do y'all like the music I put along with the story? I'm considering doing it for my new story. I'll take song suggestions.

Voices of a Desperate Butterfly ^A Shinogiyuu Story^Where stories live. Discover now