Chapter 8; This Chapter Title Has Nothing To Do With The Chapter

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Giyu Tomioka

I had always wondered...why did the most pure people have to suffer? Shinazugawa was a pain in the ass, but he was a truly good person. Iguro had suffered so much though his childhood, and I knew he was forever scarred from it, especially the fact that he won't eat Shinobu nor Mitsuri's cooking. Himejima-San was always kind and gentle, and never deserved what the orphans did to him. Kanroji shouldn't even be here. I knew she wanted to, but she was always an innocent person. Tokito's memory loss was devastating, but yet he still suffered to get here, and he was younger than all of us. He should be at school, learning. Perhaps even finding a good woman for him. Rengoku's family was tragic, and he was an extremely nice person. He didn't deserve the crap demons gave. Tengen could live a nice life with is wives and forget everything, but he didn't. He chose to stay here.

And finally, Kocho. She was absolutely perfect. Any person who could have her was blessed beyond knowledge. She was talented and smart and chose to still be in the demon slayer corps despite her chances of leaving the corps because of her sister's request. She was weak in strength, but still fought. She could be like Aoi, but she chose to persevere. She had it the hardest, considering her strength factors. But her speed, grace, elegance, smarts, integrity, kindness, and determination won over.

I followed her. Kocho wasn't feeling well, and shouldn't be fighting a demon alone. She slowly landed, and I followed. I saw she was unsheathing her katana. I stiffened. Where was the demon?

Then I saw Sayuri. I waited. What was Kocho doing?

Kocho lunged at Sayuri, her katana right at Sayuri's throat before I blocked it with my katana. A stunned silence followed between us. My heart was pounding. How could she?

"Stop. Kocho, a weapon is made for protecting, not harming." I said. Sayuri ran off hurriedly. Good. It was best she didn't hear our conversation. My shock was finally fully sinking in.

"Why? How could you do that?" I asked, my lungs crushed.

I fell in love with a traitor.

Someone who would kill a life of another for a petty reason.

"You're right. How could I do that? As long as we're demon slayers, love is a dream." Kocho screamed and was about to tear out her hair, her eyes crazed with grief.

"Why am I like this née-San? I hate life!" She lightly floated away. I tried to follow, but her movements were too fast.

All had changed that day.

Shinobu Kocho

It was day three of only drinking wisteria poison as water. I locked myself in my room, pure in misery. I didn't have food, nor water, nor sunlight. Insanity has really gotten into me. I didn't move, my entire body slumped on my bed.

I would remain like this.

I couldn't show my face anymore.

Fierce what happened with Tomioka-San, I was alone.

Finally, unconsciousness drifted into me, and I fell asleep.


I heard screams. Tomioka-San was being taken away. I screamed, but he faded into darkness.

The entire butterfly mansion burned down. No one inside survived. I ran, tripping over rubble, finding charred bodies of Kanao, Aoi, and the three girls.

Kanae. She was fighting a demon, fuzzy to my memory. I screamed, seeing her collapse to the floor. Our final words exchanged.

I was all alone.

I was flashing into another memory.

I was deeply injured.

Bringing my katana up, I found the demon who had killed my sister.

He was going to eat me.

Good. As an upper moon, he should. Hoping the wisteria would be powerful enough, I was prepared to die. Just as he was about to kill me, I woke up.


Tomioka-San was in my room, crouched over me. His eyes lit up more than I've ever seen them before, and he hugged me, cradling me like a child.

"Don't die Kocho." He said, almost sobbing. I saw the lock on my door was picked. I tried to say something, but after three days of isolation, I couldn't. He grabbed some water beside him and I slowly drank it.

"What happened." I said, my voice rough.

"You were lost in your dream again. You were so pale, and your lips were blue. I wasn't sure what was going on." He said. "I'm just glad your okay."

"But...what about what happened last time?" I asked.

"I get it. Sayuri got on your nerves. I'm glad I stopped it in time. Sayuri and I have no romantically connection whatsoever. I just found her to be like me, and she felt like a little sister I was responsible for." He took a deep breath.

"I was the stupid one for not recognizing the signs. We were both madly in love with each other. I was too afraid to make a move, if one of us died...I realized just being sitting dicks isn't going to help us. I want to be with you Kocho, I just..." he coughed awkwardly.

"If you cough so much after a sentence, I soon won't be able to tell if your sick or if your just disguising your embarrassment." I said teasingly.

"This is a one time thing...getting a bit pissed off from a girl...right?" Tomioka-San asked. I gulped, nodding, disguising my lies.

He started to speak again. "Good. Kocho-"

"Start by calling me Shinobu." I said, putting my finger to his lip.

"Shinobu. Will you go on a date with me?"

"Oh dear, how's Mitsuri going to react to this?" I asked teasingly.

"So is that a yes?" He asked.

"Of course."

This chapter is slightly shorter than others. I'm tired, and I just got back from cross country. Tomorrow I have piano, which means I don't get ice cream >:(    Bc cross country Friday equals treats and piano and cross country are mashed up together. Afterwards I have swimming.

I love rambling about my life, don't I?

Im also doing my advanced math homework (yes I love to gloat it's the only thing that im talented at okay? Let my have some sort of bragging rights) while I'm writing. I hate showing my work. Comment if you agree.

Voices of a Desperate Butterfly ^A Shinogiyuu Story^Where stories live. Discover now