Chapter 10; Couple Goals

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Shinobu Kocho

The darkened sky had became a hazard for all people in the city.

The people just didn't know yet.

In the hazy city of Tokyo, everyone was about their business. No one really cared about the deafening noises in the background, as if used to it.

Which made it the perfect place for a demon to hide.

I gazed at the huge and terrifying streets. There was too much to handle.

"Shinobu, let's go." Giyu said. I winced at the coldness of his voice. Did he sense something?

Or was he irritated with me?

"Coming." I said, following him. My eyes darted around the place, falling into my old habits. Did any of them find him attractive? Of course, everyone could find him attractive. He was built like a god. Anyone could fall in love with him. I bet we wouldn't even last three minutes without someone flirting with him.

But if they dared to make a move on him...

"We need to find a place for us to stay." Giyu said. I nodded hastily. Walking down the busy streets, we saw a run down building that said 'hotel'. We entered it. We went to the front desk, where the receptionist was talking to her friends. The receptionist turned around, her eyes lighting up when she saw Giyu.

"Hi. How can I help you?" She asked flirtatiously. My eye twitched.

How dare she! I memorized her name. Saya. Good. I would kill-

Shinobu, you stupid piece of shit. Giyu's your boyfriend. She wouldn't make a move on him. Stop overreacting.

I knew we wouldn't be able to make it three minutes without having Giyu harassed by some woman.

"Two rooms." Giyu said shortly. I gasped at him as he placed the money down on the desk.

We were a couple after all...why aren't we sharing a room?

"Of course. You're not a couple, are you?" The receptionist asked, pulling out the keys and taking the money.

"I don't have to tell you anything." Giyu said, taking the keys. He didn't speak about us?! We marched up to the third level.

"Why aren't we sharing a room? We are a couple." I hissed.

"I thought you wanted your own room." He said shortly.

Everything felt like it was slipping right out of my hands.

I didn't want to argue, in case I sounded pouty. Tears filled my eyes, but I forced them away as we both nodded at each other in acknowledgment. Not even a smile, or a quick word of goodnight. What was going on?

We entered our rooms, my room feeling empty. I sat down, taking a deep breath.

I took out my wisteria poison from my bag.

I knew if this ever happened, I would regret not risking my life for my sister, Aoi, and the girls. I gulped down the poison. Blood trickled out of my mouth as I coughed. I felt lightheaded and dizzy. Looking at the time, it looked as if I should get to sleep. I took a bath, barely conscious, and slid into my nightgown. 

Collapsing in bed, I fell asleep.

I was back to another nightmare, this time, I was controlled by someone, forcedly killing my sisters, Aoi, and the girls.

I screamed, but no one helped me out of this nightmare.

Not even Giyu.

Giyu Tomioka

It felt odd without Shinobu with me. But I had to move on from her.

She was dangerous. She could make me loose control of who I was.

I am a demon slayer.

Demon slayers don't form connections. Because those people will always be lost to you. Like Tsutako and Sabito.

I could only distance myself from her, hoping she would realize I'm an asshole of a boyfriend and leave me.

I would never recover from Shinobu, but I hoped she would forget about me.

After taking a bath, I wore my bathrobe and slid into bed.

Silently begging for help, I fell asleep.

Shinobu Kocho

I woke up late, with a pounding headache. After putting on my uniform, I went downstairs.

Giyu was fucking surrounded by a bunch of girls. I pushed them all aside, sitting right across from him.

"Good morning Giyu-San." I said as brightly as I could, hoping yesterday was just a bit of a bad mood.

"Morning Kocho." He said distantly. I froze.

Kocho? I was Shinobu to him!

"Ahem, are we going through town today?" I asked.

"Sure. Let's split up. We can get more done." He said, sipping his drink.

"Of course." I said, hiding my disappointment. Meanwhile, the girls around us shuffled nervously. I glared at them, trying to remember each one of their faces. They would pay.

Obviously. My fingers twitched towards my katana.

But it wouldn't make Giyu any closer to me.

"For gods sake! You're here to help the customers, not to flock around heartbreaker dudes!" A girl hollered, and the girls circling us quickly left.

I could thank that girl forever.

We grabbed our stuff and went our ways. Walking through the streets of Tokyo yet again, it agitated me. Something felt off.

"Hi young woman. I haven't seen you around. It isn't really safe to be alone in such a big city." I turned around to see an old couple staring at me.

"Oh, I'll be fine." I assured.

"Alright. I do advise you to stay away from the main building." The lady said. I felt a chill down my spine. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"The building has been plagued with deaths and destruction in there. It's very dangerous in that area." The man said.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"You aren't going there, are you?" The lady asked.

"N-no! I just wanted to know where it is so I can avoid the building." I said nervously.

"Well, it's over there. See that grayish building?" I looked at the direction the couple were pointing at. A dark, looking building was there. Just looking at it gave me chills.

Was it the reason why I felt everything was off?

Maybe a demon was there... 

I ran towards the building, despite the old couple yelling at me. 

I felt the chills as I stood right in front in the building. I opened the door and entered. It was dim and cold. 

Suddenly, the floor caved in on me. I screamed, but it was like no one even noticed.

Why didn't anyone notice?

I was standing next to so many people.

Why was going on?

Voices of a Desperate Butterfly ^A Shinogiyuu Story^Where stories live. Discover now