Chapter 7; I Can't Think of a Chapter Name

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*sing to call me maybe*

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but I just bit you, and I have rabies.

I'm mentally insane.

If you're also mentally going insane, join the club. We meet on Sundays, the saddest day of the week bc the next day is school.

Our other meet time is Mondays. Bc everyone hates mondays.

Shinobu Kocho

I felt my body being pulled into a darkened space. My body suddenly felt heavy. I couldn't breath. I tried calling for help, but no sound arose from my throat.

"Kocho!" I was shaken awake. I took a deep breath.

"Kocho. You weren't breathing." Tomioka-San said. I glared at him. State the obvious.

"I realized that." I said stiffly, trying to get up.

"Stop. Why are you even here?! You should be resting? I'm telling the master. I can handle this myself." He said. My anger flared.

Was it because he wanted to get rid of me so he could spend more time with Sayuri? Is this the case?

"I'm not leaving." I said coldly. "Come on, let's try and find this demon." Tomioka-San looked at me strangely.

"You know it is early morning, right?" Chills ran down my back.

"The best time for us to find that demon." I said, stepping out. I felt the chills around us.

A demon stood right outside our house.

"So you have awoken. I wish Enmu-San was here to help." Growled the demon. He had gray eyes, and pale skin. His face was covered in tattoos. His limbs were long and skinny.

"Kocho. Get away. You aren't feeling well." For the first time, I heard Tomioka-san's voice actually fearful.

"No." I said firmly. I reached for my katana. Leaping over, I stabbed the demon in the chest. He simply just clawed out his stomach, leaving it to slowly regenerate.

"So you're those annoying, bratty demon slayers that use poison, right? I extraordinarily hate those ones. One of them nearly killed me. I had a good feast." He growled. A simple, mere demon could be this smart?

By the look of confusion on my face, he smiled.

"I'm a demon slayer, Kocho. I am a demon slayer you saved before, but a demon you also nearly killed." How could I have became so careless? 

"Kocho! Get away now!" Tomioka-San growled.

"I normally would want Kocho to feel the most pain, and that would mean taking out both of you. However, that would be awfully slow. I'll just kill Kocho today." The demon smiled.

"Demon blood art. Arcs of Justice." Huge stones spun around us. The demon held a weapon similar to Himejima-san's. Easily dodging, I lunged at his neck. He would be too vulnerable if he ripped out his neck.

Suddenly he was gone.

I spun around, trying to see where he went.

"The sun is rising now." Tomioka-San said. I turned to see the rays of light slowly rising.

"Damn it." I grumbled.


The entire day, I spent time helping injured people while Tomioka-San worked on getting people out. I felt someone behind me.

"Hi. I'm Yukata, Sayuri's brother." I turned around, confused. Where was this dude and where was Sayuri?

"Sayuri isn't here right now." I turned around again to see Yukata standing in front of me. I backed up slowly.

"Okay...I need to tend to patients now, can you go?" I said stiffly.

"Thanks Sayuri." I turned around and saw Tomioka-San and Sayuri talking like best friends. Yukata grabbed me and turned me around.

"You need a break, you know. I know the perfect place to go." Yukata said. I jerked my hand away but Yukata stood there.

"Don't worry. I can get another one." I turned around again to see Tomioka-San handing Sayuri a bracelet. I froze.

That was his sister's bracelet.

I didn't know much about Giyu's sister, except the fact that her name was Tsutako, and that was her bracelet. Even I wasn't allowed to even touch it!

Suddenly, Yukata grabbed my hand and dragged me away.

"Don't worry, you can come back later. Come hang out a bit, you don't look so good after having to work five hours straight."

I blinked. I was working a lot. A rest sounded nice.

I heard Tomioka-san's voice behind me.

"Get your arms off her, you pervert." I was grabbed by the waist, and pulled away from Yukata. I yelped. Tomioka-San and I were so close...

"We're busy. Good talking to you." Tomioka-San said stiffly, and we walked off.

As I attended my patients once more, I felt something was going on. Tomioka-San was mine. If I couldn't have him, no one else could.

"...need to get her away from Tomioka-San!" That was Sayuri's voice.

"I'm sick of pretending to like Kocho-sama Sayuri. I don't actually like her. She's a good person...besides, you should try and figure out of Giyu actually likes you. If he doesn't, this is pointless. It also feels wrong. We shouldn't be playing with people like this."

"I'm not playing with people!" Sayuri argued. "I love Tomioka-San! I'm the only one who has made him talk! Even Kocho-sama didn't succeed!"

"Still...I'm not doing this Sayuri. Today felt too fake. We're good people. We should be doing the right thing."

I heard a pause of silence.

"I know Tomioka-San is the one for me. I won't give up." She said earnestly. My heart throbbed.

I could hear her longing.

But her desire could never be as strong as mine.


"Tomioka-San. Keep your eyes out. This demon is weak, but clever." I said.

"Like you." He muttered. My entire heart stopped.

"Excuse me?" I said dangerously. He turned paler than pale.

"I-I lack strength, but your clever! And quick, and kind, and passionate, and funny. You always make people feel welcome, even though you don't have to. You are strong mentally too! You always are suffering through your sister's death. You manage to cope and keep alive her memory, but don't let that take over your identity. You just being you is good enough, and you don't need to constantly feel like you're not who you truly are." He coughed and went silent.

"Wow...a really big inspirational speech. I didn't know you can talk so much Tomioka-San." I said teasingly.

"'re back." In a sweep, I easily poisoned him. There was no time to fumble. I used my quickest and strongest poison. He twitched, then fell. His skin was so pale in the moonlight it looked gray.

"I think he's dead. I'll pin him towards the sunrise just in case." Tomioka-san said quietly. I nodded.

"I'll check the area for more demons." I said. Floating aimlessly, I saw Sayuri standing alone in the forest. All the blood rushed to my face, and I had a dream of killing her.

Of course, everyone would just think it was a wild animal...or I could always blame it on the demon.

I would do it quick. I needed to finish her off easily.

I slowly made my way down to her, drawing my katana...

Voices of a Desperate Butterfly ^A Shinogiyuu Story^Where stories live. Discover now