Chapter 5; Never Have I Ever

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Shinobu Kocho

"You are an idiot. Like I suspected." Sayo muttered, her eyes glistening with excitement. Sayo had gone from sweet granny to a pale, perfect, beautiful teenager, with large, blue, round eyes with the label of "lower 3". Her hair was black, with rainbow tints on the bottom, and she wore a kimono that was sliced into a loose skirt on the bottom.

"Why? What about Misayo and Miyako?" I asked desperately.

"Those two are pointless to me. I would truly be in gratitude if you killed Miyako though." Sayo said thoughtfully. "No one seems to suspect an old granny." Her smile widened.

Before I could even begin to process all the info, Sayo's arms were cut off and I landed on the floor.

"Get your fucking hands off of her." Tomioka-San growled. I stared at him.

"Ugh. What is it with you hashira?" She growled. "You multiply too much!"

Huge bubbles appeared. I dodged them all easily. She growled again. Raising her hands, a giant bubble surrounded her. I lunged towards her, but the walls of the bubbles were too soft and flexible for me to cut through.

"See?!" She smiled cruelly. "Now suffer!" A huge bubble trapped us all inside. Instantly, I crumpled to the ground. She was suffocating us. I took a stick and poked the wall of the bubble, but the stick dissolved.

Aw crap.

Sayo seemed satisfied, so she started to drift off, escaping the prison she held us in, and walked away.

Suddenly, I had a thought bubble (which wasn't something I should say but whatever.)

"Giyu! Throw rocks at the walls!" I yelled. Flinging twenty rocks at the bubble, it popped.

I had seen this Demon Art before. This demon art was specialized in making sure that no katana could cut through it, but with simple items, it could.

"Hey!" Sayo growled. She raised her arms, bubbles growing on the ground. The rocks dissolved around the bubbles. Those were toxic. I landed on the roof instead. I turned around.

Watching Tomioka-San slicing Sayo's head off, Sayo instantly crumpled.

"No! I won't be so easily defeated!" Sayo screamed. The last of her body was already almost gone. I flitted down and the bubbles surrounding us disappeared.

"That was simple work." Tomioka-San said.

"Yeah..." I looked at him. "Should we head back to Sayo's..." I winced at her name. "Place?"

"Yeah. Let's get our stuff." He said.

Miyako and Misayo were standing outside the house.

"Tomioka-San! Thank goodnesss you're good! I wanted to tell you how much I love you before you left...or you could stay with me." Miyako said slyly.

"Miyako, but Shinobu is Giyu's wife! I weded them, remember!?" She said, looking at us. I stared blankly at her.

"Whatever." Miyako turned around and stomped off. My blood continued to boil.

I knew exactly what would happen next.


Miyako walked out of a house, late at night. Her hair was messy, her makeup smeared, and her clothes were worn awkwardly. It was clear she was fooling around with some dude.

I waited until she was in a dark corner, washing off the blood. Then she walked down an underground tunnel. I entered with her.

Inside, was her home. It was the worst condition anyone could live in. I felt a bit hesitant. Should I? Then I remembered her clinging onto Tomioka-san's arm, and all thoughts of doubt faded away. I was going to destroy her.

Voices of a Desperate Butterfly ^A Shinogiyuu Story^Where stories live. Discover now