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Y/N/Reader's POV:


I was... Flying? No, I was falling. With the others too. I looked around and I saw a couple more fire things around me. Probably the others. I thought, and shrugged. Then I looked down, and I noticed we were close to hitting the ground, so I broke out of the plane and transformed into my formal jet and saved myself from hitting my a[NO] onto the ground.

I looked down again and saw the others just fine, though they looked like they were looking for someone. What-? But they're all there besides m--Oh. I thought. Stupid-

I transformed back into my regular self and landed feet first. Perfect landing, I tell ya. "Y/N, you had us worried for a second there!" Arcee scolded me. "What? At least I'm not dead right now!" I said with a frown. "You guys be quiet. We need to find B-127 and Optimus." Ratchet inturrupted. "Wait-.." I noticed someone was gone.

"Where's--..? Where's Cliffjumper?" They all looked at me with.. Real worried faces. "You didn't know?" Wheeljack asked me, in his cocky voice like always. "No." I said in an annoyed tone. "Look, kid." Ratchet started, "Cliffjumper.. He.. Died. Sorry, kid. But we have to let go." Ratchet put his hand on my shoulder. "So.. His spark is.. In the After-Life Realm now?" I asked, looking down all the way to the ground.

He's.. Dead. I thought.

"Alright, sorry to inturrupt with the sad talk and all, but we need to get going. Optimus and B-127 are probably waiting. So it's best to not keep them waiting. I've tracked them down too." Arcee said, transforming into a motorcycle. Ratchet transformed too, and so did the others. I sighed, but transformed into a jet.

"Follow me," Arcee started driving, and we all followed.

~Time Skip~

Eventually, Arcee stopped driving and we were all together. B-127, Ratchet, Arcee, Optimus, Wheeljack and me, Y/N.

I transformed back into my regular self and landed perfectly like always. Though I was still down. I missed Cliffjumper. He was a good friend. "Hey, B-127." Arcee said, fist bumping him. "He prefers to go by Bumblebee, now." Optimus said, looking at all of us. "Bumblebee, ey? Sounds nice, though my name will always be the most radical name." Wheeljack said, smirking with a smug look on his face. "I think, 'Bumblebee' fits you." I said, smiling at him. He gave me a thumbs up. "Where'd you come up with it?" Arcee asked Bumble bee.

"A--Friend--Named--Me." Bumblebee said with his radio. I wonder why he was using his radio to talk.. Eh. We're best friends, I'm sure he'll tell me some time.

Wait. A friend? "Hold on," I said. "How--Why--When did a friend name you?" I asked Bumblebee. "She--Just--Named--Me." Bumblebee shrugged. "How was the fight back on plannet Cybertron?" Optimus asked us. "TERRIBLE! WE HAD TO EVADE MULTIPLE TIMES-!" I shouted. "Too bad I wasn't able to kill anything, nor did I kill anyone." Wheeljack mummbled. "You don't even know what would happen to you if you were still out there, and not here!" I exclaimed at him. We didn't really have a good relationship.

"Would you two stop? You both act like you're literally against eachother when you two argue." Arcee jumped in. I just sighed, then rolled my eyes. Why me.. Maybe I actually do want to go to the After-Life Realm. I thought sarcastically. "So I am guessing we can not go home," Optimus said, looking a bit down. "Optimus, don't go calling it, 'home'. It's literally a whole entire arena but larger, now. Once you left Cybertron, it became worser than you would think it looks like right now."

"How bad is it?" He asked. "Bad. Like, very, very bad. We got our a[NO]es kicked, is in what I meant. Heh-" Ratchet shrugged. "Why are you shrugging?? Our literal plannet got destroyed for spark's sake!" I yelled, confused. "♪ They say 'Build a b[NO]ch'--♪" "EXCUSE ME! D:<" I inturrupted Bumblebee's radio music. "--What?" He asked with his radio. "Dude. You just called me a b--" "Okay! That's enough swearing for now, you two!" Arcee said, shoving me.

I rolled my eyes in an annoyed look. "Whatever. Now where do we live? We have no where to go." I asked. "Oh, we'll just live out here in the woods, no biggie." Wheeljack had a smug look on his face. "No, really. Where do we live now?"


Everyone was silent. "We don't have anywhere to go, do we?" Bumblebee's audio sencors sprung up. "I--Know--A--Place." Bumblebee said.

"You do?"



HOLA! >:D How was the first chapter? :P

✶ ❝A Bumblebee's Flower❞ • BUMBLEBEE X MALE !AUTOBOT! READER ✶Where stories live. Discover now