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3rd Person's POV

Optimus and the others were worried about Y/N. They tried everything, but not even a spark (Get it?) showed in [D/N]'s eyes for any sign of Y/N still in there. Bumblebee was heart broken. (That turns into terrified l8r)

[D/N] had the urge to kill so bad, that he was able to get one of his arms free, then the other, then soon enough, he was standing. "Quintessa told me one thing to do with you all," [D/N] started. "And that is; kill." [D/N] put his face plate on and started to shoot at the auto-bots with his hand-gun, managing to hit Arcee and Mirage. They weren't damaged so bad that they would feel pain almost every second, but they just got shot. That's all. "Y/N! Come on, I'm your buddie!" Mirage yelled, dodging a missle aimed for him. "I'M NOT Y/N! I. AM. [D/N]!" [D/N] turned his hand-gun into a sword then STABBED Mirage in the chest, almost reaching his spark.

Bumblebee was frozen like a brick. He didn't know what to do: Fight back and kill his best friend who he literally loves from Cybertron and back? Or watch his comrades die? Then, it struck him. He just needed to knock [D/N] out. (Bro has a plan to get you back foolio.)

"Stratosphere! Blast him! I get him from one, you get him from the other!" Bumblebee yelled, getting onto [D/N]'s right side. He turned his hand into the same hand-gun [D/N] had only it was himself doing it. Then, Stratosphere got on [D/N]'s left side and turned his hand into the hand-gun too.
Together they both shot [D/N] and knocked him unconscious. (Sorry for knocking y'all out so many times.)

"Now what? Kill the kid and say, 'Quintessa shall die,' or whatever?" Stratosphere asked sarcastically. "No! I need you guys to leave." Bumblebee said. "L-Leave?! Bee! We can't to that! You'd die here without us!" Mirage exclaimed. "But it's not safe for you guys." Bumblebee protested, but Optimus won this one: "Nor is it for you, Bee. We cannot let another soldier die. We've already lost so many during the battle we had before." "Just—Just trust me, alright? I can do this by my own, Optimus. I'm not that young auto-bot you knew before anymore.. I'm all grown up, can't you see that, Optimus?" Bumblebee looked up at his leader. Optimus was silent until hipe opened his mouth then closed it.

"Auto-bots, roll out." Optimus transformed, then left. Mirage took Elena and Noah then transformed, putting them into his seats and drove after Optimus. Everyone else did the same, except Arcee. "Good luck, Bee. Send a message if you're still alive." Arcee then transformed and left.

Bumblebee turned over to [D/N] and walked over. He bent down to his face. Here goes nothing.. Bumblebee got up and stepped back, shining a light to [D/N]'s face, and [D/N] powered on. He instantly turned to Bumblebee, then charged at him, but Bumblebee bent down and caught his feet, swinging him down to the ground. "Y/N.. Look, I really don't want to hurt you.." He said, putting his hands up. "Well.. you might have to." [D/N] got up and kicked Bumblebee which caused him to be then slammed into a wall. Ouch, Bumblebee winced in pain. He got up, and he felt like he got zapped by an eletric gun again like that awful time with Charlie before.

[D/N] ran over with a sword replacing his hand and almost slashed off Bumblebee's head, but missed, as Bumblebee ducked right in time. He ran out of the area [D/N] tried to kill him in and grabbed his back, then slammed him onto the ground. "Y/N. Listen to me—You gotta come back! We all need you—I need you, Y/N. Please.." Bumblebee said, but [D/N] gave no mercy. He flipped so he could get put of Bumblebee's grip, then pinned Bumblebee to a wall, faces only inches apart, and same for his hand-gun. "You better have a good few last words, since I'm will kill you. So, what are they?" [D/N] asked.

This wasn't exactly the perfect moment for Bumblebee to confess, but dang, Bumblebee was flushed. You can do this, Bee. You can do this. Bumblebee thought.

"Three words, Y/N."




Without letting [D/N] react, Bumblebee leaned over fast, then kissed [D/N].

Bumblebee pulled away, looking over at [D/N]. Or.. Y/N. His eyes were flashing purple to [E/C], purple to [E/C], until finally, it turned to [E/C].


I powered on, and saw Bee's face inches away from mine. Ah, shoot- I flushed so hard I think Bee could actually see it. I looked over at my hand and saw my hand-gun. I instantly put it away and turned it into my regular hand, then backed up away from Bee. "UH- S—S—S—SOR—SORRY BEE- UHM-" Then I remembered what happened. "Wha—..." I fell down in shockness and in happyness. BEE JUST KISSED ME, OMFG- "Y/N? You good..?" Bee looked down at me. "Yes.. and.. no.." I replied. "And.. I love ya too.. @//////@" (Yes, that's suppossed to be a blushing face.)


Ayyyyy we made it broskissss- Btw this ain't the last chapter of this book. We still have a looooooooooong way to go, my friend.

✶ ❝A Bumblebee's Flower❞ • BUMBLEBEE X MALE !AUTOBOT! READER ✶Where stories live. Discover now