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Alright, so just wanted to explain a few things before we get started with this next chapter. Yes, Sam is infact alive in this AU, so keep in mind that he may be mentioned a few times in this story.

Mirage and Noah are kinda like a, "We're just best friends, nothing else." phase thingy, though since I'm usually that person who tends to ship a bunch'a things, I do infact ship Mirage and Noah. So Mirage and Noah could be caught with fluff, idk. I have no idea how I'll write this next one.


3rd Person's POV

A light suddenly shined on Y/N, and he powered on, angry, yet confused. He was.. somewhere, that's for sure. He looked around and saw his, for now, 'fellow' comrades talking. He looked at himself, and saw that his arms and legs were piled and I mean piled down with millions of random items that all eight could find in order to make sure he wouldn't go phsyco like he did earlier. He rolled his eyes and groaned. Apparently Stratosphere heard his groan and called, "Kid's awake, y'all." Then walked over to [D/N]. "Well, f[No]k." [D/N] muttered.

☯With Bumblebee & Mirage & Noah☯

Bumblebee beeped in stress. "It'll be alright Bee, don't worry..!" Mirage made a smile to try and calm Bumblebee but failed, as Y/N was the energon of his eye. And every bot and one soon trailed up that Quintessa was back and took a hold of Y/N. "It's nottttt.." Bumblebee uttered.

Since Noah had just found out Bumblebee had a full-on, 'Marry me, senpai,' thing for Y/N, he said nothing, but was patting Bumblebee's back. "Bee, you don't even know that! I'm sure your best friend's fine. I've gotten worse! I got shot in the back so many times just trying to keep a promise, man! A little shoot from Arcee isn't gonna kill Y/N's spark, Bee." Mirage said. Bumblebee just gave a grumble in response. "He's was literally possesed by Quintessa, our f[No]kin' creator of our literal RACE. You know I told you what happened with Optimus when he was possesed. I did not like Nemisis one bit. He didn't either. Hell, I had to actually talk with my weird-a[No] voice I used to have in order to wake him up. Now he has a red mark."

Bumblebee did make a point about that. Mirage sighed. "Just-" He paused. "Just go and see him. I'm sure you guys will talk it out." Mirage patted his shoulder and motioned Noah to come with him. Noah got up and went with Mirage.

"What is it?" Noah asked, looking up at him. "Soo.. Uh.. I kinda have somethin' to tell ya!" Mirage flushed. He wasn't about to confess his love right now, right? "And that is..?" Noah waited for a response. NOPE! SUBJECT SWITCH. Mirage thought. "C-Can Kris come over sometime??" Mirage said blurtly, trying to ignore the fact he was about to confess his love for Noah. "No? He's got school." Noah replied. "Ohhh! Okay- Byee.." Mirage immediately transformed and drove out of there. NEVER TRY TO CONFESS YOUR LOVE FOR NOAH IN THE WRONG TIME! Mirage scolded himself.

☯With Bumblebee☯

Bumblebee sighed. His best friend had been possesed by their creator of the cybertronian race, and damn, he was stressed. He had all these thoughts, like, 'Do I still have a chance with him?', 'Will he ever be the same Y/N I loved?', 'If he loved me back.. then would he-' Bumblebee didn't want to finish the thought. It would kill his spark if Y/N loved Bumblebee back but then suddenly seeing him as a stranger after what happened.

Bumblebee then heard Stratosphere. "Kid's awake!" Stratosphere yelled, and Bumblebee got up from the corner then walked to where Y/N or [D/N] was. "Holy scrap." Arcee mummbled. "He's got a mark just like Optimus'." It was true, [D/N] did have a red mark. (Imagine it anywhere, idc.) Optimus had gotten a mark left on him after he escaped Quintessa's possesing. "Might wanna keep it down, Arcee. Optimus is here, you know." Wheeljack grinned awkwardly, looking up at Optimus. "It is fine. But I am worried about our friend. Further more as Y/N." Optimus reasured. "Again, it's not Y/N. It's [D/N]. I don't know who the hell this, 'Y/N' guy is." [D/N] corrected Optimus.

Bumblebee just frowned. He thought his one-and-only-love was gone. Oh, but he was wrong.

[D/N]'s POV

I rolled my eyes once more, then sat up, still my arms and legs covered with.. whatever the hell that stuff was. "Y/N. We know you are in there somewhere. Please, talk to us." The tall as heck blue and red auto-bot said, looking down at me. "This Y/N guy isn't me. I swear on Cybertron, I'M NOT Y/N! I'M [D/N], GOSH DAMMIT!" I exclaimed annoyed. I really wanted to blast the scrap outta these auto-bots. But.. There was something about this yellow one.. the one I tried to kill. He gave me.. Weird vibes. Almost as if I did know him before. No, [D/N], do what Quintessa ordered:

K i l l t h e m .

✶ ❝A Bumblebee's Flower❞ • BUMBLEBEE X MALE !AUTOBOT! READER ✶Where stories live. Discover now