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The picture is a screenie I took of my friend's avatar in Roblox, lmao-


Bumblebee's POV

I nodded at Y/N, and he gave me the, 'Where is the place, then?' look. "Just--Follow--Me." I said, transforming then driving to the place. I looked in my mirror and I saw that the others were following me, so that was good. "Where exactly are we going?" Arcee asked while we heard her in all our radios. "We--Are--Going--To--My--Friend's." I replied back to her. "That human you were talking about, Bee?" Optimus asked in the radio. I beeped as a meaning for, 'Yes,'.

(OH, OH, OH, WAIT. This doesn't rlly take place in ROTB, but just to be clear, at some point Noah and Mirage meet. Mirage is just quiet, ig- Also, I guess it DOES, so basically after this message ends, I'll let ya know when the ROTB movie takes place. It's basically the whole movie btw-)

"Does this not seem sus that there are just random cars with colorful patterns and following one yellow car for, 'Humans' And not to mention a jet and a motorcycle and--" Y/N asked. "Y/N, you complain about almost EVERYYYYYYYYYYY-thing. There are times you gotta relax or chill. Plus, Optimus can't, so best you do it yourself so you practically don't become a mirror of Optimus, heh." Mirage popped in: he didn't talk when we all met up again earlier, so it's nice to hear him again! :D

"Oh, Mirage, shut up. You know Optimus can hear you." Y/N said. "What? It's not like that'll ACTUALLY happen--Riiiiiiight--?"

"Were--Here!" I inturrupted Mirage.

There we were, standing infront of Charlie's house. "You guys!--Stay--Here--And--Stay in the car--Form--For--Now." I said, transforming into my auto-bot form, and knocked on the door. It opened, and Charlie was there. "B-BEE?? I thought I said for you not too--It's not that I--Look, it's just you might get caught again. I don't want all the pain to start over like loop again, you know?" Charlie asked, looking up at me. "Please--?" I ignored her question a bit. Charlie sighed. "Fine. But please, do not--"

Charlie stopped as she looked over to the others. "OOOOOOOOOOO-kayy! Buddie, lookes like we're gonna have to find you and your friends a place to stay too." Charlie chuckled akwardly. "You--All--Can--Transform--Back." I reassured all of them, and they all transformed back into their regular-selves. "Wow." Charlie said, looking up at Optimus.

(Optimus is a whole whoppin' 28 feet tall, so..)

"You guys are.. Tall." Charlie gulped. "Bee, I'm gonna call Memo. Y'know, so he knows you're back."

Charlie grabbed her phone and dialed Memo. So now she has his number? Heh, they look cute togther. :) I thought, 'smirking'.


🥥🥉: "Hey, Memo?"

🌴: "Yeah, Chars?"

🥥🥉: "Can you come over to my house? There's a surprise waitin' for ya. Well, maybe surpris-es."

🌴: "Uhhh.. Sure."

🥥🥉: "Alright, bye."


Charlie hanged up on him, and turned to see all of us smirking. Well, besides Optimus. And technically me, though I wouldn't really be able to show it, so..

Memo came here with his bike and was shocked to see me and the others. "I-Is that Bee?? And.. Who are these other.. Uh.. Robots..?" Memo asked with confusion written all over his face. "AUTOBOTS, thank you very much." Mirage said. "Yeah.. Yeah. Your names?" Memo asked all of them. "I will gladly introduce all of us." Y/N said, smiling. "I'm Y/N," Y/N said. "This is Ratchet," Y/N pointed over to Ratchet. "That's Arcee," Y/N pointed to Arcee next. "The annoying, spanish accent, Wheeljack," Y/N pointed to Wheeljack. "Hold on- I'm not anno--" Wheeljack got inturrupted by Y/N; "Mirage," Y/N quickly transformed into a jet and went over to Mirage, then transformed back. "And the tallest one of them all in our group, also our leader, OPTIMUS!" Y/N went over to Optimus.

"That's a lot.. Well, we can't fit all of you in Charlie's garage.." Memo mummbled.




"Well, then, we'll find spots to hide them."



Okay, so I know I said I'd include the part where the movie comes in, but I'm too lazy. I'll do it in chapter.. 3, I think..? Yeah. I will. Don't worry-

✶ ❝A Bumblebee's Flower❞ • BUMBLEBEE X MALE !AUTOBOT! READER ✶Where stories live. Discover now