Nunew tickled a little while closing both his eyes. His body felt very numb from sitting on a chair all day. The closer the day for him to finish being an intern, the more work he has to do. There is also a lot of information and file that he needs to collect as material for his presentation later.
Nunew got up from the chair and stepped out of the management department. Then, he stepped towards the office pantry. He wanted to make coffee first so he wouldn't be sleepy.
"Hey, Nunew."
Nunew who was waiting for his coffee then turned away as soon as he heard someone's voice calling him. He gave a smile to his colleague.
Nunew: Hi, phi.
Colleague: Making a coffee to keep yourself wake up ?
Nunew: Yes, phi. I need to do many work since the day for intern will be end.
Colleague: You must be tired. If you need help, you just can ask to me and I will help you as much as I can. Don't be shy, Nunew.
Nunew: Okay, krub. It's my pleasure.Nunew looked at his cup and it was already full. Without waiting any longer, he then took his cup.
Nunew: I will go to continue my work naa ...
Colleague: Okay, krub.Without wasting time, Nunew then stepped away from the pantry but suddenly his colleague called him. Nunew then turned and looked at him.
Nunew: Yes, phi ?
Colleague: Can we have a talk for a while ?
Nunew: Err ... is it important ?
Colleague: About boss, your boyfriend.
Nunew: Ah ... I see ... okay, can.
Colleague: Let's have a sit.
Nunew: Krub ...Without wasting time, Nunew and his colleague then stepped closer towards a small round table. The two of them then sat there and faced each other.
Nunew: What is it, phi ?
Colleague: Just now, boss came to our department and he seems like searching for you.
Nunew: Searching for me ?
Colleague: Yes but that time you was sleeping soundly. You seems really tired.
Nunew: Hmm ? What time is it now ?
Colleague: It's 5 pm, Nunew.
Nunew: I see ... Where is he now ?
Colleague: I don't know but I saw him leave with Poppy.
Nunew: Poppy ?Flashback ....
Zee just came home from the fabric factory. During these three days he often commuted from the fabric factory with Poppy. As soon as he arrived at the office, the first person he looked for was Nunew. Without wasting time, he then stepped towards the management department to meet with Nunew. Unfortunately, when he came, he saw Nunew asleep on the table with his head resting on his arm. Zee approached Nunew.
Zee: You must be so tired, Nhu.
Zee looked at Nunew's face with a sweet smile. He kissed Nunew's forehead softly.
Zee: How long did he fell asleep ? (Zee asked the worker beside Nunew)
Worker: He just fell asleep I think. He never leave his chair since he arrived this morning.
Zee: Really ?
Worker: Yes, sir.Zee looked at Nunew's face again.
Zee: I'm so sorry, Nhu. We rarely spend time together these 3 days.Zee brought his face closer to NUnew's face. He kissed Nunew's lips for a moment.
Zee: Hia need to leave naa ... I love you, Nhu.After stroking Nunew's head. Zee then walked away from the Management Department room.
End of flashback ....
Nunew looked at his colleague's face and sipped his coffee slowly. He didn't expect that Zee had come to meet him but unfortunately he was asleep. Maybe he was so tired that he couldn't stop himself from falling asleep.
Storie d'amoreZee Pruk is the CEO of a clothing brand called Super Sun. He is 25 years old. Although he is still young, he is one of the most successful CEOs in Thailand because his clothing brand is very famous in Thailand and even internationally. He has a girl...