Chapter One

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                                                                               Huening Kai's POV

"Kai, hurry up!" I heard one of my teammates yell. I was dragging along the field, unable to focus on practice despite my genuine effort. My eyes had wandered over towards Soobin—my manager—and Coach Park. The two were chatting by the water cooler, most likely discussing strategies for our upcoming game with Yuengnam University. They were our rival and the indisputably better soccer team.

I quickly resumed the drill that Coach had ordered us to run in a lame and essentially useless attempt to prepare us for the upcoming game. We all knew the likelihood of us winning was next to zero, but no one could say it aloud. Especially me. I was the best player on the team, I was the captain, and I was supposed to be a role model—at least that's what Soobin always told me. And I would adhere to anything that Soobin said.

I struggled to keep my eyes off of him lately, which was definitely an issue in circumstances such as these. My dedication to practice was important not only for the team's overall ability, but our morale.

I continued running the drill, sweat dripping down my forehead while the August sun abused my weary body. I was contemplating the measures I would take should I get a sunburn when Coach Park spoke.

"Alright guys, that's enough for today! Hit the showers and head on home," his deep voice rang out.

He and Soobin had directed their attention towards the team, they faced us from the sidelines—calm and composed demeanor starkly contrasting with the team's disheveled and exhausted state. As I stood there breathing heavily, wiping the sweat from my brow, I examined Soobin. He looked good enough to eat. Everything was dark. Black shorts, black T-shirt, black hair, and black eyes. He was positively alluring.

The team began to migrate to the locker room, and I forced myself to follow suit despite the pounding of my heart. I had it bad. Soobin had been my crush for a while now, but these days it was severe. He had been the team manager when I joined and I was very attracted to him, but that was the extent of it. Until I got to know him. He could be a bit harsh, but he was goofy and sweet deep down. He was genuinely kind, and I soon came to realize that his harshness was a manifestation of his care. He truly wanted what was best for the team, and it felt like he wanted what was best for me, which was more than I could say for most of the people in my life.

Standing before my locker, I removed my shirt as I absentmindedly listened to my teammates' chatter. Before I knew it there was a hand on my shoulder. I turned around quickly and found myself face-to-face with Soobin.

"Oh, Hyung!" I exclaimed. He removed his hand.

"Hueningie," he said, his intense gaze making me nervous, "you were distracted today."

"No—I'm not distracted, I'm just tired," I said defensively.

"You're normally the first to finish drills," he rebutted, "These days you're so slow. You'd better shape up if you want to stand a chance against Yeungnam."

"As if we can win in the first place.." I muttered under my breath.

"What's that?" Soobin said sharply. I took a step back, feeling the cold locker press into me from behind. His stare wandered south, his eyes scouring my bare chest and abdomen.

"Nothing, Hyung," I replied shyly.

"That's what I thought," he said, his eyes quickly returning to look into my own.

"You are a remarkable player," he said definitively, "I just want to see you live up to your potential."

"Thank you Hyung, I promise I'll work harder," I said looking down, feeling ridiculously nervous beneath his prying gaze.

He gave me one last serious look before he walked away, his slim form disappearing into the coach's office.

I stood there dumbfounded. "I'm distracted because of you, Hyung!!" I wanted to shout. But I could never tell him my secret. The risk was too high.

Remarkable -- Sookai 💗Where stories live. Discover now