Chapter Six

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Huening Kai's POV

I squinted my eyes as I awoke that Saturday morning. The light flooding in from the window was far too bright for me in my current condition. My head throbbed slightly as I sat up, reaching for my phone on the nightstand. I was surprised to see a message from Soobin:

Soobin-Hyung <3: Make sure to drink lots of water when you wake up. I don't want you getting a headache.

I flushed as I finally remembered that Soobin and I had gone for drinks last night. I cursed my low tolerance for alcohol and typed a reply:

Me: I will Hyung.. thanks :))

I stepped out of bed, slowly standing, and made my way to my tiny kitchen. I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with tap water before chugging it in one go. I refilled it, sipping the second one more slowly.

I returned to bed and scrolled through my phone for about an hour before I decided I should probably take a shower and change. In the shower, I recalled the prior evening. I had such a nice time with Soobin last night. I was glad I forgave him—we were in a good place now.

After finishing getting ready, as well as mulling over last night's events, I was in a great mood. I decided to call my mom. My birthday was on Wednesday and I was hoping to go home next weekend to spend some time with her. I dialed her number and listened to the ring until she finally picked up.


"Hey, Mom, its me!"

"Oh hi, sweetie. Why'd you call?"

"Well, you know how my birthday is this week?"

"Of course."

"I was thinking I could come home this weekend! We could celebrate—just the two of us."

There was a pause.

"Sweetie, as much as I would love for you to come home... its not the best time right now. The restaurant is very busy and your stepdad hurt his back recently. I just don't think you would have a lot of fun here."

"Oh," I felt a pang in my heart, "well that's okay, Mom! It was just a thought. We always have winter break to see each other!"

"Exactly," she said, "I have to go now Kai, but I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay! I-" click " you..."

I tried to not let our conversation get me down. I was so happy before—maybe I shouldn't have pushed my luck. Now what was I going to do next weekend? Taehyun and I were hanging out on Wednesday night, but he was going to be out of town during the weekend. I really didn't have anyone else.

Oh well, I was lucky enough to be able to spend my real birthday with my closest friend.

I did nothing but lounge around on Sunday. A bit of studying in the evening, but it didn't last too long.

Monday went by uneventfully, I had classes and then soccer practice afterwards. It always made me happy to see Soobin, but we barely talked.

Tuesday was more of the same. I was excited for a change of pace on Wednesday. Taehyun said he was taking me to a new bar near campus. I wasn't the type to go out much, but it was my 21st birthday after all. Might as well make the most of it.

Wednesday morning. After waking, I immediately grabbed my phone to see if I had any messages.

Two. One from Taehyun and one from.. Yeonjun?

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