Chapter Twelve

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Soobin's POV

The rest of the week passed by insipidly.

My Hueningie. What compelled him to act like that?

Ever since I met him, I knew that I cared for him in a way that was special—in a way that was different than I had ever cared for anyone. Nobody had ever taken up as much of my thoughts as him.

And yet, I still just can't understand him. Why?

Ever since Tuesday, I was kicking myself for walking past him without a word. But seeing him with that Yeonjun... Well, the reaction hadn't become any less severe. I hated it. I hated seeing Hueningie look so close with another guy, even though I knew it was good for him to have other friends.

Truth be told, I wasn't even really mad at the way Kai treated Beomgyu on the field. I only scolded him because I didn't want him to find himself in trouble later on for having a bad attitude.

I was angry at Beomgyu for hurting Kai. Of course, Hueningie assured me that he was okay—but witnessing him be knocked to the ground by Beomgyu's carelessness—that was something I just couldn't stand.

Sigh. This has always been my problem. I don't know how to express my feelings, and now I was fairly sure that I had hurt Kai's feelings—judging by the way he hadn't even spared me a second glance since Tuesday.

This is okay, I told myself. I will make it right on Saturday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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