Chapter Nine

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Huening Kai's POV

"Someone else?" My voice sounded small to my own ears. Soobin-Hyung likes someone?

"So how do you play this game, anyway?" He said casually, ignoring my query and sitting down beside me. He wrapped his large hands around the fake steering wheel. The replica driving seats were situated close to one another—so close that I could feel the heat radiating off of him. His intoxicating scent was palpable.

Excruciating images flooded my mind. Soobin on a date with someone else, Soobin laughing with someone else, Soobin hugging and touching someone else. Who was 'someone else'? Would that person be afforded the luxury of feeling his heat and inhaling his scent, as I was doing at this very moment?

For as long as I'd known him, Soobin had never shown romantic or sexual interest towards anyone. Whenever people on the team would brag about their various conquests, Soobin remained silent. He never high-fived any of the guys when they said they got laid last night, or nodded along to retellings of dates/one night stands. But he did feel that way for someone.

"Kai?" My train of thought was derailed at the sound of his voice. "What do I do?"

"Oh- you just select the driver you want. Then we can start."

We played five rounds and I lost every time. Thoughts of Soobin's crush wouldn't leave my mind. I was distracted with the ever-present question: Who in the world could it be?

Apparently my losing streak was Soobin's prime opportunity to make fun of me a bit. "Is Hueningie sulking?" he asked playfully, "I thought you were an expert at gaming."

"No," I said dazedly. I had a difficult time registering his words. I would normally tease him right back ('The phrase beginner's luck exists for a reason, Hyung'), but right now the racing game was the least of my concerns.

His smile dropped slightly, seeming thrown off by my uncharacteristic response. "I'm just messing with you."

I became nervous thinking that he caught on to my behavior. "No, I know! You're playing really well!" I tried to sound carefree and noncommittal, but this only seemed to confuse him more. "Let's play another round," I said quickly.

Finally, I entered my apartment after an awkward car ride home with Soobin. I had tried so hard to act normal, but he was just too perceptive. He continuously threw me sideways glances—asking: 'Are you sure you're feeling all right?' every few minutes.

And before I could even get out of the car, he spoke to me:

"Remember that if somethings bothering you, you can talk to me." Despite the caring nature of his words, there was an edge to his voice. He seemed almost annoyed that I was keeping something from him.

I blurted out a: "Thanks, Hyung! Good night," before scrambling out the door. As I left, his sharp eyes examined my every move—brows furrowed in concern.

Why am I like this?

Now I was laying in bed, my mind going a mile a minute. It was useless to keep mulling over it, but I couldn't help it. I just like him so much.

Tuesday. Soccer practice. I was finally going to see Soobin again after an entire two days of thinking way too much. He and I had not been in contact since that Saturday at the arcade.

I walked quickly and soon found myself standing before the door of the locker room. I swung it open carelessly, expecting to be greeted with the same lazy atmosphere that I was accustomed to. Instead, my team was buzzing with excitement. Groups of boys stood in different areas of the room, gesturing wildly with their hands and shuffling excitedly. I scanned the room for Soobin but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Okay!" Coach Park's voice cut through the chatter. Everyone, including me, paused to give him undivided attention. "As most of you know, our manager Soobin was able to arrange a friendly scrimmage with Korea University."

Excited murmurs erupted throughout the room. What? Korea University's soccer team was incredible—their skill level was on par with professional teams. I knew that Soobin had connections, but this was above and beyond. The chance to play with athletes of this caliber could really help us improve—not to mention the endless name-dropping possibilities.

"This is an amazing opportunity we have today, so let's make the most of it. KU is waiting on the field."

At Coach Park's proclamation, the team—myself included—made our way outside, brimming with anticipation. Before I could even take in the sight of such skilled athletes standing on our soccer field, my eyes honed in on one particular scene.

There was Soobin, talking familiarly with one of the most handsome guys I had ever seen in my life (Soobin was occupying first place, of course). I felt my heart rate increase as jealousy coursed through my body. Soobin reached over and patted this stranger on the arm, his eyes crinkling as he smiled at the boy. I felt surprised by my own reaction: rage.

Of course Soobin was a kind person, but he was reserved when it came to skinship. Never having seen him touch any of my teammates, I guess that I deluded myself into thinking that I was the only person he acted that way towards. In the back of my head, I knew it was a huge overreaction—and I also knew that I was blowing it out of proportion because of Soobin's comment about having a crush on somebody.

What if this was him?

I failed to notice the opposing team approach us, until I heard Soobin's voice from just a few feet away. I looked up to see him standing with the handsome boy. I tried not to frown when I realized he was even better-looking up close.

"Everybody, this is my friend Choi Beomgyu. It's thanks to him that we can have this scrimmage today."

I forced myself to bow to him along with my teammates.

"Hey guys!" He sounded friendly and cheerful, "Let's have a fun game!"

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