Chapter Ten

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Huening Kai's POV

So much for a fun game. Although it was pretty exciting to play against such amazing athletes, it was already the fourth quarter; and the only thing I had managed to accomplish was sizing up Choi Beomgyu.

Every time he made a skillful play, every time he ran a hand through his long hair, every time his melodic laughter echoed in my ears—I couldn't help but make note of it all. My insecurities were getting the best of me, and I was off my game.

He was incredible. He made goal after goal. It didn't help that every time he scored, he would glance over at Soobin. When I looked at Beomgyu's eyes, I recognized the gleam of yearning that reminded me too much of myself. He was searching for a reaction of encouragement or praise. Soobin remained stoic.


At the sound of my teammate's voice, I snapped out of my reverie and tracked the ball to see that it was rolling quickly towards me. I hastily gained possession of it and dribbled down closer to the goal. I spotted my teammate, Juwon, who was open. Before I could pass the ball to him, Beomgyu intercepted it and bolted faster than the speed of light—towards our goal. He scored.

I flipped around to see that once again, he looked over to Soobin with an expectant expression on his face. Soobin had no reaction, which seemed to frustrate Beomgyu, His eyebrows were furrowed and a scowl contorted his otherwise pretty lips.

While Beomgyu was frustrated by the fact that Soobin wasn't cheering for his triumphant goal, I was equally frustrated by the fact that Soobin wasn't angry about KU scoring a goal against us. Was this the same guy who chastised me for fraternizing with Yeonjun? Sangji was his team, but he didn't even bat an eye over our dreadful performance.

It was the final point and once again, Sangji had the ball. I was optimistic this time. I was positioned by the goal, surprisingly wide open. I thought that Sungjin (who was currently in possession) would certainly pass the ball to me.

And he did. But in the blink of an eye, Beomgyu was there once again, his silky hair whipping in the wind. He stole the ball from me yet again. I looked at him, expecting his gaze to be fully focused on Sangji's goal—but instead his piercing eyes met my own formidable stare. Before I could even develop a reaction, I felt his chest collide with mine. Suddenly, I was flat on my back, the wind completely knocked out of me.

The acting referee's whistle pierced through the stillness. He called a foul—charging. Everybody paused, including Beomgyu.

As the ref slowly made his was over to the two of us, Beomgyu shot me a (faux?) sympathetic look. "I'm so sorry, Kai! Are you okay? I really didn't mean to hurt you."

I had to admit that he sounded sincere, but I didn't necessarily believe him. And my reservations definitely had nothing to do with my undying crush on Soobin. Nothing at all.

I wanted to respond to him, I wanted to tell him that of course it was okay—but I didn't. I stood up and walked away silently, heading indoors to the locker room. It was rude, and it was something so out of line with my typical behavior. I was usually always sweet and kind to people, even when they didn't necessarily deserve it.

KU was here on a favor, and everyone was grateful to them for playing with us. And I was too! But my mood was so terrible that I ignored etiquette in favor of sulking.

I entered the locker room and sat down on the metal bench, my head in my hands. In no time at all I heard the creak of the door to the field open. Who else could it be but Soobin?

"Kai, are you in pain?" He looked worried as he walked quickly towards me, searching my face.


"Are you sure?" He looked me up and down, the concern in his voice never faltering.

"I'm really okay!" I chuckled, standing up to emphasize my point.

I expected him to laugh along with me, but he didn't. After a brief sigh of relief, his uneasy expression was replaced with what seemed like thinly concealed irritation.

"Then why did you walk away like that?" The tone of his voice confirmed his frustration, and it took me off guard.

"...I just wanted to be alone, I guess."

"So you just walk away without talking to anyone?"

"I'm sorry, I know I should have said something-"

"Do you know how bad Beomgyu feels right now?"

At the mention of Beomgyu, my hackles raised. Why is he talking about that guy? Did he come to check on me just so he could ease Beomgyu's worries?

"I said I was sorry," I insisted, "I'll go talk to him-"

"It's not just this incident," he cut me off again, "you haven't been acting like yourself for these past few days. I never thought that you could act so rudely."

"Hyung, I really am sorry," I tried (and failed) to keep the emotion out of my voice.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. You'll have to come to school on Saturday and clean the locker room."

What the hell? I knew I was in the wrong but this punishment seemed too excessive.

"Just for walking away?" I asked, incredulously.

"Yes, just for walking away. Be here at 10:00AM."

He turned around and walked away from me—and back onto the field without another word. As I watched his retreating form, I felt the first tear fall down my face. I waited until he was completely out of sight before I allowed myself to cry in earnest.

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