Chapter Eight

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Huening Kai's POV

I sat in the back row of the lecture hall, shifting in my uncomfortable chair. The classroom was nearly filled up by the time I arrived, barely on time. My calculus teacher's voice droned on as I struggled to focus. My hangover from last night was eased by the painkillers, but the pounding in my head was still very much present. I was exhausted physically as well as mentally—I had been replaying the memories of last night that I could actually recall. I hoped I didn't do anything too mortifying.

I shoved my thoughts aside. I really had to start paying attention in math. I was falling more and more behind, and something needed to change if I wanted to pass this God-forsaken class. As the lecture was coming to a close, I decided to speak with my professor afterwards. Perhaps I could go to his office hours and my grade might improve.

The clock finally struck 1:00PM and students began to file out of the hall. I approached Professor Shin nervously. He was peering down at some papers on his desk, the bald spot on the back of his head of grey hair was visible from this angle.

"Hi, Professor," I started cautiously.

"Yes?" He sounded completely disinterested, not looking up from his documents.

"I just was wondering if I could come for office hours tomorrow afternoon. I'm struggling a bit with the material," I said nervously.

He finally looked up at me briefly before he returned his focus to his desk, adjusting his tie.

"Well, that's what office hours are for," he paused, "but if you can't even understand the basics, you might want to consider dropping this class. It will only get more difficult from here."

His condescending tone was making me feel embarrassed, but I wanted to hold my ground. Calculus was a required class for me. If I could drop this class, don't you think I would have already?!

I ignored my internal monologue in favor of speaking more politely. "I understand, but this class is important for my major. I just think I could use some extra help."

He sighed in exasperation. "Maybe you should look for a tutor."

"...Okay, Professor," I accepted my defeat. So much for office hours.

Friday dragged by. I had soccer practice in the evening, but I didn't play too well. Luckily, Soobin wasn't there to see it. He was a physics TA and had to proctor for an important exam.

I was still upset about being unable to go home for the weekend, so when Saturday morning came around, I resigned myself to laying in bed all day. Getting cozy underneath my covers, I grabbed my laptop from the nightstand and started watching my new favorite anime. The third episode began to play as I took a small sip from my water bottle.

I was fully absorbed in the show, my eyes glued to the screen—when I heard my phone vibrate.

Ugh, who's bothering me now?

Soobin-Hyung <3: Come downstairs.

My heart sped up instantaneously. Was Soobin here? Why? My mind darted from one possibility to the next at an impossible speed. In any case, I was in no state to see him. I looked down at my old blue flannel pajama pants and ratty white T-shirt.

Quickly, I rushed to the bathroom and washed away the sleep from my eyes. I ran my hands through my hair before brushing my teeth and changing into a lilac T-shirt and blue jeans.

I rushed out of my apartment and into the elevator, my heart still racing as I descended to the first floor.

Emerging from my apartment building, I finally saw Soobin. He was leaning against his car nonchalantly and looking down at his phone. He looked so handsome. His jet black hair was gleaming in the sunlight, the breeze causing his shirt to cling to his abdomen. At the sound of the door closing behind me, he looked up.

I forced myself to walk towards him. I was feeling unreasonably nervous.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?"

Something flashed in his eyes as he gazed at me. "Why? Are you busy?"

"Not at all," I said, a bit too eagerly.

He smirked at my words before he spoke. "I'm taking you to the arcade."

I was very confused, but I also wasn't about to pass up this opportunity to spend time with Soobin.

"O- okay."

He beckoned me to approach the passenger's seat. I walked towards the vehicle as he opened the door and looked at me expectantly. I sat down and he shut the door gently behind me. I buckled my seatbelt as I waited for him to make his way around to the other side. He settled into his seat and put the gear into drive.

We pulled up to the arcade and I stepped out of the car. I was still perplexed about this entire situation, but two of my favorite things were playing video games and hanging out with Soobin. This was the perfect combination.

Soobin walked alongside me as we entered the building, the sounds of electronic music and laughter infiltrating my ears. Within seconds, I went from nervous to excited. A smile overtook my face as my eyes perused the gaming options.

"What do you want to play first?" Soobin asked, and I looked over at him—only to see that his eyes were already fixed on me. He was smiling.

"Racing!" I pointed over to the two-player driving console at the far end of the large, purple-carpeted arcade.

Wordlessly, Soobin went to insert some cash into the token exchange machine.

"I'll meet you over there," he said without turning around.

I walked over to the game and sat down, playing with the steering wheel although there was no point in it. Minutes passed while I was watching the game preview until I started to grow impatient. I turned around to see what Soobin was doing and my breath caught in my throat.

He was standing by the exchange machine, talking to a pretty girl. Her hand reached out to touch his shoulder lightly. His body stiffened and he stepped backwards. I watched intently—their conversation seemed to be going on forever.

Finally, he turned away from her and his eyes met mine. He walked towards me purposefully, the tokens in his hand clinking together with each step.

"Hueningie," he stood before me.

"Hyung, what were you talking about with that girl?" I knew it was none of my business but I couldn't hold back my interest.

"Nothing important."

I looked back at the screen in front of me, contemplating.

"What did she say?" I heard myself inquire. I was embarrassed to even be asking the question.

"She asked for my number."

My head whipped up to look at him.

"What did you say?" I sounded far too curious.

He smiled down at me, a knowing look in his eye. "I told her I like someone else."

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