Chapter Seven

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Huening Kai's POV

I heard a car door slam. The pattering sound of quick, determined footsteps grew closer and closer to my crouching form. My head was swimming now that I had left the club, and my eyelids were drooping lower with every second that passed by.


I looked up from my seated position on the curb to see Soobin. He had clearly dragged himself out of bed hastily, clad in grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt. His hair was tousled—the result of bedhead. How did he still look so stunning?

"You really came," I said, trying to keep my voice clear but probably failing.

"I-" He started to say something but was interrupted by Taehyun's voice projecting from behind me:

"There you are!" I turned my head around to see Taehyun—Yeonjun following closely behind him, "We were wondering what was taking you so long."

Taehyun then lifted his gaze to see Soobin.

"Oh hi, Soobin-Hyung! What brings you here?" He asked, surprised to see Soobin at a place like this. He would normally never be caught dead at a club.

"I came to get Huening Kai," Soobin responded, not bothering to explain any further. He looked back and forth between Taehyun and Yeonjun, and then finally down at me. Suddenly, he reached down and grabbed my hand—pulling me to my feet quickly yet carefully.

He started to walk to his car, still holding my hand.

I craned my neck to see Taehyun and Yeonjun's confused expressions.

"I'll text you later!" I said hurriedly to Taehyun. Soobin's hand gripped mine tighter.

In the quiet warmth of Soobin's car, the effects of the alcohol were hitting me full-force. I looked to my left to see Soobin gripping the steering wheel, the muscles in his forearms flexing slightly with every turn. The car smelled like him—fresh laundry mixed with something inexplicably deep and masculine. The silence was deafening as I noted his lips that were held in a tight line.

He finally opened his mouth to speak: "Hueningie," he began—voice calm and commanding—"I know its your birthday and you deserve to have some fun, but that club? You don't even like clubbing."

"Taehyunnie told me it was a bar! I would never have agreed to go if I knew it was a club," I defended myself.

"Oh," he said. He seemed to soften.

I continued staring at him until he glanced over at me.

"I'm not upset or anything," he said quickly, "I just wanted to make sure you weren't forcing yourself to do something you aren't comfortable with."

I took in his words and felt my chest swell with affection. Yep, the alcohol was definitely doing its job.

"Hyung," I said, my voice thick with emotion—coming out almost whiny. I knew I would kick myself in the morning for my behavior, but I just couldn't bring myself to care, "You're so sweet to me."

His cheeks turned pink and he cleared his throat, "It's my responsibility to look after you."

That old familiar phrase. Sometimes it felt like he was saying it to himself rather than me. The manager of a soccer team doesn't really have an obligation to pick up a team member from the club at 1:00AM. Nevertheless, his kindness meant the world to me.

"You're the only one who cares about me," I mumbled drunkenly.

He glanced over at me once more before his eyes returned to the road.

"Thats nonsense, Kai," he responded, "You have Taehyun and... Choi Yeonjun. And of course your family."

"My mom doesn't want to spend time with me," I responded, pouting.

"I'm sure that's not true."

"It is true!" I insisted, "I was gonna go home this weekend to celebrate my birthday with her, but she said 'it's not a good time.'"

"Really?" He asked—his hands seemed to grip the steering wheel a bit tighter, "Well.. there's probably a reason for it. Your mom loves you," he assured me.

"I guess so..."

Before I knew it, Soobin's car was pulled up next to a convenience store. I looked at him confusedly.

"Wait here."

He stepped out of the car, shutting the door gently behind him. I watched his tall form make its way to the door of the store and enter. I fixed my head forward once again and tried to still my beating heart. Being in such close proximity with Soobin was intoxicating. He was so handsome, and the way he spoke to me gave me butterflies. I was almost grateful to have some respite while he ran his errands—but at the same time I craved his company like none other.

After what seemed like ages, the door to the driver's seat opened and Soobin appeared—holding a white plastic bag, which he quickly handed over to me. I peered inside and saw a hangover drink along with some over-the-counter painkillers.

"Those should help with your hangover tomorrow," he said.

"You didn't have to..." I trailed off shyly.

"I wanted to."

Finally we reached my apartment complex. I took one last look at Soobin, wanting to cherish these few moments I had in the car with him.

"Thank you for driving me home, Hyung."

"Of course, Kai. You should call me whenever you need something," he said, almost demandingly.

"Okay," I responded, "I'll see you later, Hyung."

He nodded affirmatively and I stepped out of the car, grabbing the plastic bag that was filled with Soobin's care for me.

"Good night!" I said.

"Good night, Hueningie," he responded softly.

I shut the door behind me and made my way inside my apartment building. Once indoors, I turned to look at the street. Soobin's car was unmoving—I wondered if he could see me peering at him. Suddenly self-conscious, I walked into the elevator and pushed the button to the 5th floor.

One I finally reached my floor, I entered my apartment and turned on the light. I rushed over to look out the window which had a perfect view of the street. That's when I saw Soobin's car finally peel away, disappearing into the night.

Remarkable -- Sookai 💗Where stories live. Discover now