Chapter Two

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                                                                                Huening Kai's POV

It was 4:00PM, and there I stood at the end of the field. Practice was underway and we were doing shooting drills.

"Kim Mingi!" Coach Park yelled, "you're up!"

Mingi took the shot and missed by a mile. I laughed along with my teammates while he scurried back over to the line.

"Huening Kai!" Coach Park yelled heartily.

I looked over to him—and then at Soobin next to him, who was eyeing me with a dark look.

I approached the ball at a light jog before stopping. I kicked it with all my might and I scored—the ball landing in the top right corner of the net.

My teammates cheered and I did a stupid victory dance to my friends' hollers until I felt a sharp pain in my calf. Looking down, I saw a bee there with its stinger lodged in my flesh. I let out a yelp and bent down to swat it away. Everyone looked at me confused until I heard a rushed pair of footsteps approaching me.

I looked up with tears of pain in my eyes to see Soobin kneeling down at my feet and gently grabbing ahold of my leg.

"What's wrong?" He asked frantically, "Did you twist your ankle? Did you hurt yourself?" His voice gradually becoming louder.

"A bee stung me, Hyung," I said quietly. Looking around, everyone seemed puzzled by Soobin's dramatic reaction to my outcry. They stood there staring while Soobin, still kneeling, carefully pulled the stinger from my calf. He stood and cleared his throat.

"It's gone," he said—was I imagining things or did a blush grace his cheeks?—"don't be so dramatic Kai," he admonished.

He turned quickly on his heels and walked back to his spot next to Coach on the sidelines.

Practice continued and eventually ended without another hitch. We all made our way back to the locker room and I began to change. Once I was done, I headed to the showers and quickly washed myself. As I did, my mind wandered to the events on the field. The way Soobin had knelt before me, looking so beautiful even while concerned. His hair was slightly ruffled and his lips were pouty when he held my leg. Oh my, the feeling of his hands on my body lit a fire in my belly. I remembered the way his eyebrows furrowed as he plucked the stinger that was buried in my skin. He was divine.

Stop it Kai! I said to myself as I dried off and changed into clean clothes. You need to quit dreaming.

"Huening Kai!" My train of thought was interrupted at the exclamation of my friend and closest confidante, Kang Taehyun, "What are you doing now?" He asked.

"Hey Taehyunnie, I have no plans. I was just gonna go home," I replied.

"Wanna get some food with me?" He asked.


As we made our way out of the bustling locker room, I couldn't help but spare a glance in the direction of the coach's office. I saw through the large window that Soobin and Coach Park were engaged in yet another discussion about tomorrow's game. My eyes lingered until I saw Soobin look towards my locker. At the realization of my absence, his eyes whipped around—finally meeting mine as I walked out the door. I quickly looked away and tried to concentrate on my conversation with Taehyun.

Taehyun and I sat at an outdoor table in front of the convenience store whilst we waited for our instant ramen to cook fully beneath the paper lids.

"Are you nervous for tomorrow?" Taehyun asked.

"What's there to even be nervous about?" I replied, "we both know we won't win. I don't get why Soobin and Coach Park are treating it so seriously. The season ends tomorrow and that's that."

"Come on Kai, its a good thing that our staff are taking the game seriously. It means they actually care about our improvement and abilities. Even though we'll lose, it's still important to try. Aren't you supposed to be the captain?" He asked teasingly.

I looked down, knowing he was right—"I never said I wouldn't try my best!" I said defensively.

He chuckled and we tucked into our ramen, chatting over stupid stuff until we finally got up and parted ways. Waving goodbye as he started walking home, I made my way in the opposite direction to my house.

I walked leisurely, taking in my surroundings. The storefronts and restaurants were all either closed or in the process of closing. The night air was cool and refreshing on my skin and the moon was almost full tonight. My eyes wandered left, noticing a 24-hour convenience store which was lit brightly, sticking out on the dark street. I was just about to look away until I caught a glimpse of a familiar head of gorgeous black hair.


There he stood in the center aisle inspecting something closely.

Should I go say hello?

I decided to be brave. I steeled myself as I walked into the store, making my way over to his aisle.

"Hyung?" I said cautiously.

His head whipped towards me and he hurriedly put whatever he was looking at back on the shelf with a clatter. It seemed to be some sort of ointment?

"Hueningie," he said, seeming surprised at first, but his expression quickly turned to one of accusation, "what are you doing out so late?"

"Oh, I had dinner with Taehyun and now I'm headed home," I replied.

His eyes narrowed as he looked me up and down. I was wearing grey athletic shorts and an oversized white hoodie—nothing revealing in the slightest—but for some reason I felt so exposed as he examined me.

"You shouldn't be out so late," he said simply.

"Okay Hyung," I said, and I couldn't help but giggle.

"What?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

"You're just so strict, Hyung—its like you're my dad or something," I laughed.

He cleared his throat, "Its my responsibility to look after you," he paused "—the whole team, of course," he finished quickly.

"Okay, okay~ I'll see you tomorrow for the game Hyung, have a good night," I turned to walk away until he spoke.

"Wait up!" He said, and then paused again before speaking, "How's that sting of yours?"

I was confused for a moment. "Oh, the bee sting! It's just fine."

He looked at me considerately with those beautiful eyes once more.

Suddenly he grabbed my wrist with his large hand and pulled me to the counter, a bottle of ointment in his other hand. He set it down on the counter and the cashier scanned it. He pulled out his card and handed it to her.

"Hyung, it's fine," I insisted. He ignored me.

After the transaction was complete, he pressed the bottle into my hand and we made our way outside.

"Well, thank you, Soobin-Hyung," I said shyly.

"Apply that tonight," he ordered, "I'll walk you back home."

"It's just a block away!" I laughed, "I think I can make it."

"Okay," he said hesitantly.

I waved him goodbye and turned around, walking home with a smile on my face.

Remarkable -- Sookai 💗Where stories live. Discover now