Chapter Five

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Soobin's POV

Drinks with Hueningie.

I prayed that I didn't look too nervous as he sat across from me, a pretty smile adorning his equally pretty face. He reached out with graceful fingers to pick up the soju bottle and pour me a glass before pouring his own.

He was so considerate.

I needed to be on my best behavior tonight after my stupidity earlier. How could I act so coldly towards Huening Kai?

I always prided myself on being a rational person. I thought I would never let trivial emotions such as jealousy or possessiveness consume me, but that was exactly what happened tonight. What always happened when it came to Kai.

When I saw that handsome stranger wrap his arms around Kai's body, when I saw my Hueningie smile at him so beautifully, call him Hyung—something sinister brewed within me. I was never angry at Kai, I was angry at myself. And—okay, I was angry at that Choi Yeonjun as well.

And I let my anger get the best of me, taking it out on the one person who mattered most. Honestly, sometimes I wish I could be more like Huening Kai. I could tell he was angry today, and rightfully so. He was the only one carrying his weight during the game, but instead of snapping, he took some alone time to cool off.

He was so admirable.

"Hyung, want another?" He asked, holding the bottle out in front of my glass.

"Sure, Hueningie," I responded.

He poured me another and then one for himself.

"You really did play well tonight," I said. I knew Kai liked to be praised, and he deserved it.

"Thanks, Hyung," he looked down and blushed. So cute. I wanted to squeeze him.

"Its a shame we lost, but you keep getting better and better," I said, "Hopefully next year we'll have some talented freshmen to keep up with you."

"Do you think there will be?" He asked excitedly.

"I do," I responded.

I still remembered one year ago when Hueningie came in as a fresh-faced first-year. I was a junior at the time, feeling discouraged with the talent pool. When he walked in, I instantly thought he was the prettiest boy I had ever seen. Then when he went out there to play, his skills were utterly remarkable.

After joining the team, he improved even further and brought along a bright vibe and positive attitude, boosting morale for everyone.

I was brought back to the present when I saw him reach for the bottle once more. I intercepted it before he could, pouring him another glass.

"Oh, thank you, Hyung," he said.

"Of course," I responded. I watched him drink the small glass in one go, his cheeks becoming flushed as his eyelids drooped a bit.

"Are you drunk already?" I teased, smiling at him.

He looked at my eyes and then down at my mouth as his blush deepened further.

"No way! I'm just tired."

"That's what you always say~" I teased once more.

He rolled his eyes and downed another glass.

"Maybe I am a bit drunk," he admitted, mumbling.

"Let's get you home, then," I said.

I called over the server and asked for the check. I took out my wallet to put my card down before Kai spoke.

"No, let me!" He said, a bit too loudly.

"I got it, Hueningie, don't worry."

"No!" He insisted, "You're always paying, its my turn now," he reached down into his pocket, rummaging for his wallet.

"No, Kai," I said a bit more forcefully. There was no way in hell I was letting him pay. "If I say I got it, I got it."

"Okay.." he mumbled again.

I walked Hueningie back to his apartment in the darkness. He was walking relatively straight, but he stumbled a bit here and there. Each time, I reached my hand out to place on his shoulder to steady him.

When we arrived at his complex, he turned to face me.

"Thank you for tonight, Hyung. I had a really nice time."

"Me too, Kai," I smiled at him.

"I guess I'll see you on Monday then!" He waved goodbye to me before turning around and disappearing into the building.

My heart sank.

Oh yeah, it's Friday. I'll have to wait a whole two days to see him again.

Remarkable -- Sookai 💗Where stories live. Discover now