Chapter Four

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Huening Kai's POV

I gritted my teeth as I listened to Soobin give a pep talk to the team. This was the last step before the game began. We had just returned to the locker room from some stretching and warm-up drills on the field—during both of which Soobin was unnecessarily harsh to me:

"Kai, is this how you're planning to play today?"

"I know flexibility isn't your strong suit but come on."

"If you're tired already, we're doomed."

He insisted on barking at me the whole time, which raised eyebrows from my teammates and even Coach Park. Pre-game activities were just meant to get our hearts pumping before we got out on the field, but he was treating it like a punishment practice.

If I was irritated before, I was full-blown angry now. The only hope I had was that I could channel some of that into my game today.

Why do I like a guy like you?!

I stared him down as he went on about dedication or something. Finally, his speech ended and we ran out onto the field, hearing the cheers from students and spectators in the stands. That always got my adrenaline up.

Maybe this game would go all right.

"God dammit!" Taehyun exclaimed, running his hands through his hair. We were back in the locker room for halftime after an abysmal first half, "That Choi Yeonjun is insane," he continued, "I thought we could at least have a close game but he's cutting everyone up out there."

Yeungnam already scored two goals in the first half to our zero. Nobody was playing like themselves tonight except for me, frankly. I was frustrated with the team but I knew that taking it out on them would be counterproductive so I decided to sit by myself for the remainder of halftime.

"I know, right," I muttered to Taehyun before excusing myself. I stepped out of the locker room and into the connecting hallway, which was empty and silent. I leaned my back against the wall and closed my eyes, breathing deeply.

After a few minutes, I heard the door to the locker room creak open and I turned my head to look. It was Soobin.

My heart involuntarily sped up as we made eye contact and he walked towards me.


"I'm sorry, Hyung, but I'm not in the mood to be scolded right now," I cut him off, "I know that's your job and all but I'd appreciate it if I could be alone for a few minutes."

He looked slightly taken aback—eyebrows raised and lips parted—before his face returned to a neutral expression.

"I'm not here to scold you, Hueningie," he said softly, "you're playing a great game out there, and I know you're probably frustrated."

"Oh," I was a bit surprised, "well, thanks, Soobin-Hyung," I looked down.

"And I'm sorry that I was mean to you earlier," he added.

At this, my eyes shot back up to meet his.

"Well... why were you?" I asked quietly, "so harsh, I mean. Its not like I'm the only one on the team who's friends with a rival."

Soobin looked around. He seemed to be searching for an answer.

"I guess I was overly-sensitive because its Yeungnam we're playing against," he finally responded, "I was worried about the game and I overreacted. Do you accept my apology?" He asked hopefully.

I looked into his pretty eyes, almost pleading with me, and I just couldn't resist. I smiled.

"Yes, Hyung, I forgive you."

He smiled back at me, looking relieved.

"Alright then, let's get you back out there," he said, placing a hand on my back to guide me into the locker room and onto the field.

If I thought anger was a good motivator, it was nothing compared to a simple smile from Soobin. We still ended up losing the game against Yeungnam, as expected, but I managed to make some skillful plays and I even scored a goal—ending the game at 2-1.

I was happy with the way things turned out as I sat on the bench at the sidelines after the game. Everyone on my team had returned to the locker room, while I decided to stay outside for a few minutes. I was enjoying the breeze, staring up at the sky which was darkening by the second, until I heard a pair of footsteps approach me.

"Huening Kai."

I looked up to see Yeonjun standing before me, smiling slightly.

"Hyung!" My eyes darted around, paranoid of a certain someone seeing this conversation.

Yeonjun chuckled, "Don't worry Kai, I saw your manager go inside."

"Oh," I laughed, "well congratulations, Yeonjun-Hyung! I forgot how good you are, you definitely deserve this win."

"Thanks, Kai," he responded, "hey, do you think we could exchange numbers? I had to change mine a while ago and lost yours in the process," he held out his phone.

"Of course!" I said and entered my number while he did the same.

"Great!" He smiled down at his phone before looking back to me, "I'll text you."

"Sounds good," I said and stood up. "I guess I should head back in. Have a great night, Hyung!"

"You too, Kai," he responded and I waved before turning around, making my way back into the locker room.

When I stepped in, I noticed that most people had already left. A few stragglers stood around chatting quietly. I went to take a shower and change, and by the time I re-entered the locker area, it seemed that I was the only one there.

I was grabbing my backpack out of my locker until I heard a door shut behind me. I jumped and spun around.

Soobin stood there, arms up.

"It's just me, Hueningie," he said, seeming slightly amused at my reaction.

"Jeez, Hyung, are you a ghost?" I asked.

He ignored my rhetorical question. "Hey, I think I need a drink tonight," he said instead, "would you like to join me?"

My heart sped up. I had never had a drink with Soobin one-on-one, as we usually either had team get-togethers or went out in small groups.

"Sure!" I said. I prayed that I didn't sound too nervous.

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