Scrap work

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A random meaningless piece i will never finish. I'll probably post a lot of these
words: 170

"Chris..." Matt starts, turning over in his bed to face his brother, "do you promise to never leave me?" Chris' eyes widened a little at the sudden question, he immediately opened his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Matt. "Sorry I asked, that was dumb."

He begins to shuffle onto his back to stare at the ceiling, but decides against it when he hears Chris speak, "Matt, that's not dumb." He says, placing a hand onto Matt's.

"Where's this coming from, dude?" Chris asks gently, almost as if not the scare the older. "Talk to me." he shifts to see Matt's face better, bringing a hand to his face and moving a loose strand of hair out of the way.

Silence fills the room for a moment. Chris brings his full attention back to Matt, just to find his brother's lip starting to tremble. "Hey- Matt what's wrong?" He panicked.

Broken sobs are heard uncontrollably spilling from Matt as Chris hugs him, rubbing circles into his back.

Matt Sturniolo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now