Seven | Frozen Lunar Moth (Part 2: Electric Boogaloo)

52 3 10

TW: angst, a teeeeeeeeeeeeny bit of fluff <3
shouting/yelling, blood, fights, possessing, 

flashing lights lol

i know people probably won't read this because it has over 3000 words


It was him.

"Y-you..." FWhip stuttered, disbelief written all over his face. Sausage smiled weakly.

"You... you JERK!" FWhip yelled, a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

"W-what?!" Sausage took a step back, confusion overwhelming him. He felt his heart race as FWhip came closer to him.

"You JERK! You left us alone, UNSUPERVISED, and we could have died because of you! If it weren't for Gem, we wouldn't be alive right now! So WHY?!"

Sausage froze. Doubt and sadness clouded his gaze. 

"FWhip, what are you saying?! Listen to yourself! He's just paid us a visit and this is how-"

"I'm not talking to you." FWhip interrupted Gem coldly. He glared at Sausage again, who was rethinking all of his life choices.

"I- I had to- it was to keep you safe..." Sausage croaked sadly. He met FWhip's eyes with his own. "I'm really, really sorry... I just..." His voice trailed off and he looked down again.

"You just need a slushy?" Gem offered, smiling warmly.

"The slushiest you can find." Sausage started to perk up at the thought of slushies(slushys?).

"Hang on, I'm not done." FWhip said loudly before the other two could could do anything. "Because I also want a slushy."

Gem rolled her eyes. She suddenly seemed to remember her body was being possessed and asked, "Don't we have other things to worry about? Like, for instance, the fact that my body is being possessed?!"

"Wait WHAT?!" Sausage and FWhip yelped at the same time.

"Sausage, why are you surprised?" Gem teased with a smile. "And yes, FWhip, that was not me waking up. So, what's our plan?"

Gem's brothers glanced at each other and looked back at Gem. Sausage shrugged. FWhip shook his head.

"Well, I mean, we obviously have to..." Gem's voice started to fade out as FWhip thought he felt hands on his shoulders.

"NO!" Gem yelped, reaching for FWhip, who was now falling down a deep hole. She reached him and pushed him upwards, embracing the darkness...

Xisuma shook FWhip's shoulders gently. The non-hermit groaned and after a moment, woke and sat up. He coughed a few times and looked around. Upon spotting Gem, FWhip winced a bit and looked at his hands.

"You okay bud?" Gem asked, smiling gently at her brother. FWhip nodded hastily and smiled back.

That... was strange. Usually Gem and FWhip were best friends that got along most of the time. Xisuma glanced at Gem with a confused look. She looked normal, maybe a bit more tired, but still her normal-

"I'vE gOt a LovElY bUnCH oF cOCoNutS, DoO deH lEe deE!"

Xisuma looked over his shoulder and saw Grian standing up and leaning against a wall, with a silly face on.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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