Five | The Con And The Vex

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TW: blood, unconsciousness, more blood, stabbing.... You get the idea.

The song Lonely King was playing when I was writing this- it just fits-

Scar had become a vex again. He shuffled to a standing position, his new wings stretching out as he let out a fearsome screech. Another vex one with black hair, phased through the wall and stood beside him. Two iron swords materialized in their hands. One of the vexes suddenly flew through the ceiling and flew down, landing in front of False. He grabbed her by the shirt and threw her across the room. The already injured hermit practically melted in pain, letting out loud, painful groans. The other vex grabbed Grian by the wings and flung him up to the ceiling.

More tiny vexes appeared, and headed straight for Gem and FWhip. Gem shoved FWhip out of the way of a charging vex, and got a small, deep scrape on her shoulder. FWhip smacked a vex away from him and looked back at his twin, who was facing the black-haired, larger vex. The larger vex flapped his huge wings and sent Gem flying. Gem got up slowly and shakily but as soon as she did, the vex headbutted her in the stomache, causing her to fall the ground a few feet away, winded.

FWhip felt fury surge through him. Now it was just him and the two vexes. The other, injured hermits lay either against walls or doors, or on the floor, but all of them were bleeding in one way or another.

A diamond sword materialized in FWhip's left hand, and he looked down at it. There were words carved into the blade, he realized. 

"Two is stronger than one, but one is powered by----", It read. FWhip gazed at the blue blade in wonder. The last two words were scratched out. FWhip turned the sword over. Maybe he was... the one. If he was, he felt angry. Angry at the vexes. With the sword in hand, he felt... powerful. Strong.

FWhip looked up from the sword and glared at the vexes, who were grinning at him mischievously. Rasping breaths came from Gem, who was somewhere behind him. Both Grian and Xisuma were unconscious and leaning against different walls. False was laying on the floor, injured and bleeding, but her eyes were open.

"One is powered by rage," FWhip growled, curling his fingers around the sword. His other, burnt arm gripped the sword's blade. After a moment he took the burnt hand off the blade and charged at the vexes, taking them by surprise.

Blood sprayed as the sword went through the arm of one vex, and through the thigh of another. The vex that had been Scar, with his broken arm, screeched especially loud when the sword went through it. The other vex hobbled away quickly to a wall, then flew up in the air, his leg hanging limply and dripping with blood. 

FWhip felt satisfaction flood through him as he looked down at the sword again. He noticed the words were different. 

"Two was stronger than one, but one was powered by rage.".  FWhip smiled at the sword. 

"Well?" FWhip asked to the vexes, one in the air and the other on the ground. The vex that had been Scar snarled and glared. The other vex seemed to share a thought with the first and suddenly lunged for the sword. FWhip, taken by surprise, felt the sword slip from his grip.


The vexes laughed loudly, evil and pain across their faces. Five little vexes appeared from nowhere and flew to FWhip, attacking him. FWhip, being defenseless, tried to swat them away. Evet time he touched one, another five were summoned. FWhip was backed up into a corner, desperately swatting at them. Eventually, he gave up and sank to his knees. It was like he was dying but he was still alive and awake. The vexes laughed evilly. 

FWhip felt hopeless. He and his friends were going to die here... Alone... Nobody would know, and the next person to try and save them would die just like everyone else... 

"FWhip! FWhip!"

Somebody called his name... that voice... 

"Gem...?" FWhip croaked. Hope spiked his heart. He saw an orange-haired person dart in between the vexes. There were screams and laughter... FWhip lifted his head. Gem was using his diamond sword to slice the vexes, and eventually the both collapsed, their wings shrinking and their claws dulling. FWhip smiled at his sister.

Another small vexes sword stabbed him deep in the neck, and FWhip cried out weakly in pain. Everything was blurry and black spots crowded his vision. He saw Gem running towards him... Then everything faded to black...

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