Characters Profile

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Yoongi is 25 years old and in his last year at University. He has a band where he plays the guitar, the piano and sometimes he sings. He loves music, and also to be a rebel. He has two jobs to pay for his University. He rents a small apartment. All people fear the "Cold Savage Min" as he is known.

He is quiet, serious, and looks angry all the time. Doesn't obey rules, and is a free soul. Never shows empathy or a  caring nature, but even though he seems to be cold hearted he adopted a cat and he takes care of it with all his heart.

He always dresses with leather jackets, black trousers, black denim ripped jeans, black pants, or denim. His hair is mint, his skin pale, he always carries a backpack or his guitar, around his neck he has always a pair of earphones 🎧.

He doesn't have parents, just distant relatives who took care of him when he was a child.  But he no longer bothers them, he has economical troubles, he is always short on money, he sometimes just eats one meal a day, and sometimes  he doesn't even get to eat a single meal, his to go food is instant soup, tuna cans and rice, he is thin, but has a small little round and chubby belly from drinking bear and unhealthy food.

But he just wants to find a special place, his safe place, a safety zone where he can feel himself, be free, rest his burdens and call home. He just wants peace, rest, and love in his life. He is soft on the inside, so give him love and take care of him, and he will feel better.

Personality: introverted antisocial couch potato. Intimidating kind of guy.

Jobs: Bartender/ night shift all week, Playing with his band mates some music in  the bar on weekends and Friday nights. And food delivery boy, on Saturday mornings.

Likes: To sleep, he is always sleeping when he is not working or studying. Likes money, to eat, free food, but he eats as if he didn't like food, as he knows he doesn't have enough food, he prefers to eat slowly to trick his brain and stomach into feeling full. Cats, silence, books, music, warm weather, he doesn't own too many clothes, so he doesn't like cold weather, or  to be sick as he has to work and there is no one that takes care of him. He likes to be quiet himself, to not be bothered. To be left alone, and by himself.

Dislikes: The annoyingly chirping and loud people around him. Happy people, sad people, people. Noise, to be woken up from a good nap. Extroverts, loud people, egocentrism. Hunger, sleepiness. Working or burning energy. Drunk people at his job.


Hoseok is a 21 year old guy. He has two whole university years left, and he will finally be free from school. He has his hair bleached, he always has his hair white and short. He is well known, although he is not a popular guy.

He is known in school as he is the only mute guy. Actually he has selective mutism. He had in the past a major trauma that left him suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety disorder as he was abused and experienced violence during his childhood. He also had self-injured himself. He had a difficult time as a kid, so even as an adult his selective mutism is present in his daily life. The rest of people don't know about it, they think he was just born mute, it is easy that way if people don't expect him to talk and believe he is normal.

Mental health: He suffers from mental health disorders, he has depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, insomnia, night terrors and he has self injured himself, and he is in a recovery journey.

He doesn't talk, but he communicates with written words using a small notebook with white pages, and a colorful green marker.
He always carries a small bag with him. There he carries his notebook markers and a pen, with it he communicates with the rest of the world.

He is mostly quiet, mysterious, and calm. He is a good student, he always gets the best grades in his classroom, he is the teacher's favorite student everywhere he goes, the adults and authority feel sorry for him, and they try to treat him better, and help him. So he is naturally appealing to them. He has mastered the art of acting, he is a pretty good actor, he manipulates people and he always gets what he wants.

Sometimes his classmates are fooled too. As he looks so thin, young, innocent, pure and defenseless, who wouldn't want to help him? But even though people always try to help him, when it is about parties, friendship and even relationships, he also is a special case, someone who isn't eligible. So he doesn't have true  friends.

He is a wealthy kid. His uncle has a small business. So he can have the luxury of living comfortably. His uncle and aunt are paying for his University, and also for his apartment in the center of the city. He no longer lives with his parents, they were the ones who harmed him in his childhood so he had never seen them again. He lives just with his uncle and aunt, who are like his parents.

He has cool new clothes every time he wants, he dresses himself in colorful outfits, sometimes white or black ones. He always wears a pair of shorts, and also cotton thin t-shirts. In cold weather he always wears oversized hoodies, sweatshirts and cozy sweaters. He is always glamorous, and he always is fashionable, he has expensive clothes, jewelry and everything his heart desires.

He likes exercising, so he also likes to wear sporty or comfortable sports clothing like pants, and shorts. He is thin and in good form. He is really clean, he recently moved out from his aunt and uncle's mansion, he has his own apartment, is always clean, and he always smells good. He has some  hobbies, he loves drawing and painting that way he can express openly, he also enjoys dancing to music, and watching movies. He loves animals, although he had never had one, except his small koi fish, since he moved out from his aunt and uncle's home he had been taking care of Ihok, his orange and red fish.

He seems to be calm, chill, and to enjoy life, he would easily laugh and giggle, and would be gentle and try to help anyone like a good boy. But he in reality is tired of it, it is just a mask he wears in public, he doesn't feel calm, or even free, he doesn't find meaning to his life, but he keeps trying, he hopes to find someday a key, to open a door, to a place he needs to be. He doesn't know yet what that palace is, but he hopes he will reach it some day.

but not even all the money in the world can resolve some problems. Like his voice….

Personality: Introverted/ sweet caring guy (fake) manipulator, depressed

Likes: the color green, nature, plants, animals, landscapes, the sky. Music, dancing, drawing and painting, and being alone. Exercising, cleaning, running. Studying and staying at home reading books.

Dislikes: His own parents, bullies, violence, loud noises, people munching close to him. Speaking, having selective mutism, being bullied. Pain, sickness, weakness, vulnerability, sharp objects, razors, knives. Vegetables, alcohol, tobacco, strong scents, motorcycles, cars, transportation in general. Bad boys. High places, motion sickness, and being trapped inside his head.


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