Chapter 3: The mint haired guy and the white haired guy. Hatred.

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WARNINGS: An argument with a classmate. Laughing and public embarrassment and humiliation.
Chapter 3: The mint haired guy and the white haired guy. Hatred.
Hoseok turned on his seat, just to see with horror that the mint haired guy had been asleep the rest of the class, he was one of those "lazy-asses" who loves to sleep on their desks, and who were stupid, never did homeworks, always arrived late to classes or didn't even bother to come to classes, and who would use other classmates to obtain a good mark in the end.

Hoseok hated those "parasites" as he was generally the most smart in the class, and the only one who really enjoyed being a good student, many other classmates had already teamed with him to copy answers, homeworks, or even leach on to him and his good grades, naturally that never ended well for them.

No one thought the poor and inoffensive Hoseok, being mute and all of that, looking so indefensible could be in real life, a cold  calculator, manipulative guy, and even more smart than the others. So he never let himself be used.

Until then, it was obvious the teacher wouldn't change the pairs, so it meant that for that lesson Hoseok's destiny was already being chosen for him, and his path to follow was through the fires of hell.

Hoseok wasn't blind, he also knew that type of guy, the typical aggressive and violent one at school, that dresses in black leather, who has a cold death stare, smells like alcohol, tobacco and problems. And who was part of a band, and would waste away his time and life every night in a club or bar, drugging or alcoholising his ass. Probably he even had tattoos on his body.

Hoseok shivered, he felt intimidated and made him feel instant hatred and annoyance toward that guy. He looked at him, and noticed the mint haired guy had been drooling on his own arm. Hoseok felt something similar to revulsion and nausea, he gagged inside his mouth and tried to act calm. His stomach revealed itself against him. But his eyes were cold and throwing daggers.

The teacher noticed one of his students had fallen asleep, so he approached both guys.

"This is perfect Hoseok, you are at the top of my class, and this lazy ass seems to be at the lowest, so I feel this team would work out fine, you will pressure him, and make him become a good student, well then, best of luck!" The teacher told him, with a sided smile.

Hoseok felt anger rouse inside of him, but he  smiled warmly toward the older man, and faked a sweet face. He nodded to make himself understood.

Hoseok didn't have much choice, he would really have to kick the mint haired guy's butt, if he wanted to really have good marks on that project.

Hoseok needed to wake that guy, so he had in mind a plan. He wouldn't just accept his fate without fighting at least. He decided to scare the sleeping guy. He went near him, and he placed his mouth really near to that guy's neck and ear, and smiled maliciously once he decided to blow air into the dude's ear canal strong enough to make a horrible sound.

Yoongi woke up really scared, he shouted a little and sat with a noisy thud just to fall sideways from his seat. He managed to stand up back again and sit this time correctly, he looked around just to find the perpetrator had been his annoying classmate, the weird dude in white.

"Fucking asshole! What's your problem idiot?" He had shouted out loud, as the teacher hadn't been at the front and he walked through the classroom to see that everyone was getting into the right pairs. Yoongi thought the teacher hadn't been there, but he later regretted it.

All the classroom went quiet, all his classmates and the teacher were looking at him in disbelief, not only had he been asleep and had fallen from his chair, he was now making a ruckus and insulting his team member.

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