Chapter 5: Destined to hatred. Avoidance.

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WARNINGS:  mention of bullying and loneliness.

Chapter 5: Destined to hatred. Avoidance. 

That day Yoongi woke up a little late, the nurse had woken him up late, she had let him sleep all through the second lesson as well, but she had sent another student with the permission so Yoongi didn't have troubles.

Hoseok had woken up for his second lesson and he had disappeared without a second glance to the mint haired man who was passed out snoring in the next bed, looking pitiful, seeing him like that he no longer resembled a bully and that was what bothered Hoseok even more, he was soft at heart, but he still wanted to have reasons to hate him.

Min Yoongi wasn't wearing his leather jacket, he was just in a thin light cotton white shirt, and denim jeans. His face features were softened by the sleep state, he resembled a lost and hungry kitten, a homeless soul. He remained under the white covers from the infirmary bed. Like that he slept all his worries and tiredness.

Hoseok had gone out, more confused and feeling more miserable than when he arrived. He smiled warmly towards the good motherly nurse, and he went away.

The rest of the week was pretty much the same, Yoongi would get home pretty late from work, he would try to do homework and fall asleep on top of his homework, he would wake up, run to school and repeat the process.

However one thing had changed, he had begun to wash his clothes more often, and the clothes he wore for work, he would never wear them to school, so he now would have a shower all mornings, so he won't stink like a cheap bar.

And also he had decided to listen to the nice nurse, so he now tried to save at least some coins for food, even cereal, or whatever stuff he could buy to fill his stomach in the morning, and avoid it from interrupting the class.

For the rest, his life hasn't improved at all, he still was sleep deprived, surviving and moving on caffeine and pure will and strength. And sleeping through some lessons, or at work. His school life was boring, his work was tiring, and the only joy he had was his band, his band mates and music.

The week went by, and he crossed his path with the white haired guy, Hoseok. He had never ever noticed him before, but now as they have something deep in common: hatred, they now couldn't stop perceiving each other around. They would make visual contact and make a face of disgust before avoiding each other and turning the other way.

Usually all his last semesters he had been free from people bothering him, he had a nickname behind his back, people called Yoongi, "Savage Min", "Cold Yoongi", or the "Dangerous Mint guy". He was fine with those, he really was cold, introverted and never sought other people's company, nor did he cared.

So in general people avoid him respectfully, avoid him frightened, or all together just respect him and maintain a prudent distance believing him to be a mafia guy, a gang member, a delinquent, or a bully. But in reality he had never been nor done harm to anyone He was just a serious guy, with resting bitch face issues, and who was tired and didn't have that much energy resulting in him being lethargic, sleepy all the time, tired and angry at life for being poor and having an empty tummy most of the times and having to work his ass hard for food and a home.

He in general would say even though people avoided him, his University life was perfect, he didn't have troubles, except teachers who seemed to hate him most. But in general he was fine, until that semester, his luck had changed forever, he now regretted even having met Hoseok.

All people at the arts department already had heard the rumors, everyone had talked about the "mint haired dude, who had laughed and discriminated against Hoseok, the mute guy from the dance department, and how he had laughed at him for being def, mute, retarded and idiot."

Since then everybody would look horrible in his direction, will stare at him with judging angry faces, and would speak behind his back with each other, or even in front of him, so he knew they were talking about him, if he went to seat to an empty seat in the cafeteria area, people would avoided him and lift themselves to move to some other table, and they didn't even wanted to be alone in the bathroom with him, clearly everybody felt sorry for Hoseok, he was well known for being the only disable student who was mute, so he had gained sympathy.

And clearly Yoongi had turned into something slightly like a monster. Just in that same week, many rumors had already reached him, how he was a badass motorcyclist from a bikers gang who frequented bars and nightclubs, and had illicit activities and many women. Or the most recent one, how he was a drug addict who sold drugs.

Yoongi thought his life had been hard, but he couldn't ever imagine it could turn this bad. He began to avoid places where many students frequented. He began to avoid the main areas, gardens, main halls, main stairs, the store, the cafeteria, the dining table, and even the bathrooms. He would walk all the way to the ones outside the department between other departments and faculties.

Soon he found himself hating school even more, the worst part was he didn't have done it on purpose, and he knew all the fault was Hoseok's and his own for being so stupid.

Some classes were so bad as people wouldn't stop staring or wouldn't want to make teams with him, that he would find whatever excuse and pretext to avoid going to class.

The next week the nurse found out Yoongi her most recent favorite patient had been having too many "bad stomach aches" but each time Yoongi said it wasn't that bad, that he just needed to rest, so he wouldn't accept the medicine, or to be examined, he would just go inside, hide in one of the beds, and sleep for some time, and then left as if it didn't happen.

The nurse at first thought he was under stress, and that probably his tummy really hurt, but suddenly she realized it was not it, he had met students like him before, and she wasn't dumb, she already knew Yoongi had been bothered at school, but as they were University students, clearly grown ups, and adults, she knew she couldn't interfere and she knew how hard it must have to be for the quiet tough looking guy, that deep down was really soft and sensitive to loneliness.


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