Chapter 18: My sweet driver. Breakfast.

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Warnings: Fluff, mention of bullying and nerves from school fear, bad eating habits, bad financial situation.

Chapter 18: My sweet driver. Breakfast.

All the remaining week Hoseok woke up earlier than usual, he prepared breakfast for two, and would go to pick up Yoongi in his pea car.

On Thursday Yoongi woke up to someone knocking on his door, he had fallen asleep with the kitten inside his bed. He heard the door, and was surprised, he had never had a visitor that early in the week.

He went up, he was sleeping in his red boxers, without pants or t-shirt, he went to the door, and opened it slightly thinking it was a neighbor or even the mail. He opened and saw Hoseok standing there, he was confused.

He opened the door and had let him inside, he was really surprised and embarrassed he was just in underwear.

"Hoseok? What are you doing here so early, did something happen?" Yoongi said he closed the door, and ran to his bedroom. He found some clothes and put them on. "I'm really sorry, sometimes I sleep in just my underwear, I wasn't expecting to have visitors."

Hoseok had been impressed when Yoongi had opened the door just in underwear, having look at the older guy in just those red boxers, had caused something inside Hoseok, he blushed, and felt something had broke inside his brain, as if he couldn't function correctly, his heart beating fast, and he couldn't stopped looking at Yoongi's body.

The older guy was really small, he was shorter than Hoseok, and was really thin, he was soft around his chest and tummy, it looked like small cushions, one on each breast, and other on his belly, but for the rest his arms, legs, and even ribs were thin and scrawny, he was really thin, and Hoseok instantly knew why, he had seen Yoongi struggling to make money to eat, and some days he didn't even ate.

Hoseok had already prepared an answer for that question. So he already had his notebook out. [Sorry to bother you Hyung. I came to pick you up to go to school together, as you clearly are injured, and you left your motorcycle at school. I make breakfast for us. Go take a shower while I heat the food.]

Yoongi had returned already dressed, and he read Hoseok's notebook. He couldn't stop looking at Hoseok, who looked all fresh, young, innocent and he was dressed beautifully. Hoseok was dressed in a big oversized white sweatshirt, and black shorts, he had noticed his legs weren't scarred as the rest of his body, or at least not from his knees down, but from his knees up, he also had those scars inflicted by years of domestic violence and abuse.

He had his froggy bag, and in his small head he was wearing a green pretty beanie, that had frog eyes, and was expensive, it was from a collection from a famous designer. 

Yoongi found him so cute, he melted inside. "You didn't have to, I could have got there in a taxi. But thank you so much, you are really a good guy. Now that you are here, I'll go fast to take a shower, thanks for the breakfast, you are really awesome Hoseok!" Yoongi told him, he went quickly to pick some clean clothes, and ran to take a shower.

Hoseok was happy, he nodded and helped him out cleaning his bedroom slightly. He found the baby kitten still asleep inside Yoongi's bed, so he  caressed him before taking him down to his own cozy paw shaped bed. There the kitty remained sleeping.

Hoseok went to Yoongi's kitchen and heated the breakfast he had already made for them. He had it ready in the table when Yoongi came out from the shower, his mint hair was wet, and he smelled like mint and shower lotion.

"Sorry, I tried to do it quickly, thanks for everything." Yoongi said, sitting at the table. "You look really pretty in that beanie, Froggy King!" Yoongi teased him warmly.

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