Chapter 12: The real monster. Punishment.

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Warnings: Bullying incident, physical harm and violence, blood and injury, depression, anxiety, fear and a traumatic episode. Sad chapter but don't worry it will slowly get better I promise!


Chapter 12: The real monster. Punishment. 

Yoongi had been suspended, when the principal and teacher had talk to him, they told him he had been suspended the rest of the week, so on Thursday and Friday he didn't went to school, he used that time to work even harder as he felt guilty, somehow he wanted to punish himself, he still hated Hoseok, he still knew Hoseok could talk and was fooling everyone. But the thing he felt guilty about was that horrible prank, Hoseok had been so scared he had passed out, and was out cold for at least five minutes. 

He was sure everyone now saw him like the monster he was, but what about Hoseok? How come people still were defending him, and loving him, after all, he was just a lier and using people. 

Yoongi had thought about himself too, about how lonely he was, and how prone he was to be misunderstood and treated badly by the people around him. He knew he was like a monster, he was no good to be around. What could he offer people to stay? 

He worked for the Chinese restaurant on Thursday and Friday morning delivering food, he had worked extra hard as that was the only productive thing he could do with his free time. He earned some more money, and in the afternoon he went to work at the bar, his bartending job, and Friday night he again was in the bar playing with his band. However this time he didn't have fun, he couldn't enjoy, nor could he play his music as before. 

His friends had noticed Yoongi was again having troubles at school, financially he was good, but they knew something else was wrong with his life. 

"What's wrong Hyung?" Namjoon asked over the bar having some beer, he had invited Yoongi to some drinks, everyone was drinking. 

"It's nothing, again Hoseok the white haired demon turned me into a monster, I tried to expose him, but I failed, I ended up looking worse." He said sadly. 

The three friends looked at each other, they were lost for words, they already knew everything about the incidents with his "white haired classmate" they didn't think it was so bad, but when Yoongi told them what he had done, he was scolded. 

"Oh my God! Are you fucking retarded? Why did you do that? It's so stupid, it is none of  your business if he is mute or just faking. Probably he has a good reason to do it." Seokjin told him. 

"Come on Hyungie, don't tell him that. He is already hurt and suffering for what he did." Jungkook the younger guy said. 

Yoongi just drank even more, he already had three or four empty beer bottles on the bar. "I know I'm stupid, but I suffered so much because of him that I also wanted him to suffer being bullied and not wanted anymore." Yoongi defended himself. 

Seokjin went soft on him this time around. "I know my friend, but life doesn't work like that. Sometimes the best you can do is walk your own way, and stop fighting, when it's already a lost cause." Seokjin said to him.  "Also  you don't know if he had suffered bullying too, probably he has, even being rich that guy sounds weird, and if he fakes to be mute, I can't think that many people want to approach him." Seokjin said to him. 

Yoongi sighed, he understood he had lost, he was already at a good place, and people had been forgetting about him, and here he came again to ruin his own life. Yoongi this time hated himself. 

"Are you going to be expelled?" Namjoon asked concerned, he knew Yoongi had left just one more year. 

"I don't know, probably. Principal said he will talk to Hoseok and decide my fate." Yoongi slurred slightly.

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