Chapter 9: Stop the fire. Momentarily truce.

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WARNING: Public humiliation, bullying, embarrassment.

Chapter 9: Stop the fire. Momentarily truce. 

The next week went by pretty much the same as the last two weeks. Yoongi  would dread school. Each morning he had to wake up early to get to his classes, he would suffer all through the day, and in the afternoon he would work his ass pretty hard to survive.

At least he had food and he had already paid rent so he felt less stressed, even though he was saving still some money for emergencies, for the first time that semester he was able to bring some money to school, he went to the cafeteria and bought himself the bigger and more complete meal in the menu, he felt strange he wouldn't buy his food there, usually he would get his food from the vending machine.

He looked at his tray full of food as if it had been a dream or an  hallucination, he smiled gladly to the employees in the cafeteria, they felt awkward but smiled back at him. He finally looked up, and again he felt sad, the dining area was big, huge like a stadium, all the tables and people sitting there, the noises of their conversations and laughs, everything again felt overwhelming, he tried to act normal, but he noticed how many heads turned his way, and they did faces of pure disgust, curiosity and even interest.

"Hope he doesn't dare sit at our table, we will throw him away, he is really bad company!" A girl said too loud for him to listen as he had been standing next to them.

Yoongi walked around the tables, he faked his most serious and not caring  expression, but deep down he felt his heart pounding inside his ribs, his breath was fast, and he could feel his hands shaking trying to hold the tray, with his valuable and expensive food on it.  His hands were so sweaty he just wished he could hold his tray  correctly, he feared letting his food fall by accident.

He walked fast, his social anxiety killing him deep inside, he felt even nauseous. He tried to look everywhere in search of an empty table, he finally found one in the end, he gladly walked towards it thinking it was empty, but he realized late when he already had been standing there that the table was being used by Hoseok, he also turned to look at him in shock, everyone had began to talk behind his back.

Everyone was excited, expecting some kind of confrontation. But Hoseok just wanted to be left alone, same as Yoongi. Hoseok was more surprised because he had never seen Yoongi there, he knew he ate from the vending machines, and sometimes he heard rumors that he didn't have money to eat, so he had never expected to see that annoying guy in there.

Yoongi's cheeks were red, sweat forming at his forehead and brows, his hands were shaking slightly, and he breathed quickly, somehow his face looked different, kind of off, as if he was afraid or something.

Hoseok suddenly had an idea, he began rummaging through his small bag, he was turning the pages of his notebook and scribbling something when he noticed from the corner of his eyes, Yoongi went past him without a second glance, he went outside the cafeteria holding his food tray. No one ever did that.

Hoseok felt discouraged, disappointed and a little bad for him. He turned down to see the page and the things he had been scribbling.

[You can sit here if you want, there is plenty of space…]

He was closing his notebook but many students by mistake had read it, many of them began to murmur, whisper and talk about it.

"Aww he is such an angel, even though Savage Min insulted him, he offered a seat at his table!"

"Did you see? How rude, he ignored him and went away, even though Hoseok offered him a seat, what a bastard clearly he is at fault."

Hoseok felt cold and sad, hearing those comments no longer gave him any joy, he probably had caused another misunderstanding and the worst part was he couldn't solve it. He felt annoyed, he hated how people acted as if they were his friends, but they just wanted to have reasons to hate Yoongi.

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