Chapter 7: Our mutual ally. War-free zone.

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WARMING: Mention of bullying, childhood past traumas and abuse, violence, and self-harming thoughts, mention of a memory where it is picture blood and a razor, mental health topics. Please be sure you feel comfortable with this before reading. Discretion is advice. Don't worry in the end it will have happy ending. Trust the process.

Chapter 7: Our mutual ally. War-free zone.

After the class had ended Yoongi had gone to his next lesson, but the teacher never came, so instead of grabbing some lunch like his classmates did, he walked outside the classroom and went to his safe zone in that horrible place that was the university, his only safe corner was the infirmary. By now he was comfortable with the nurse, and she was the only one who listened to him and treated him nicely. Was the closest thing to having a friend there.

He went in and saw the reception was empty, so he waited for her to return. He looked around just in case, but the only bed that was being used was closed by the curtains so he couldn't know who the patient was, and nor did he care.

She came back and as soon as she saw his favorite patient she sighed. She looked at him in disbelief and scolding like a mother would do as she was worrying. "Again Yoongi? Let me guess, you are having another stomach ache, but you won't want me to examine you so I could give you medicine, right?" She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Yoongi smiled sadly and guilty, he turned to look at the floor, he knew he was bothering the nurse, and he knew she needed to know why. His cheeks were slightly red.

"Yes, again, but I swear I just need to rest a little and then…." He began but was interrupted.

"I know, I already know sweetheart, 'you just need to rest and then you'll be fine' you have been telling me the same almost every day." She said a little more softly, she took Yoongi's hand and guided him to a bed, she sat him there and she took her chair and sat with him. "Listen sweety, I know something is wrong, you come here almost daily, and I'm not bothered about it, I really like having you here. But the thing is I'm worrying, you say you have a daily stomach ache, but you never let me help you, this is serious, if it's the case you need to let me try to help you, that's not normal, you should be going to a doctor to see what's all that about, it's not normal sweetheart." She told him gently.

Yoongi couldn't look at her, he was nodding and looking at the floor again.

"I'm not scolding you, sugar plump, I'm concerned it is not normal, it must be horrible having daily tummy pain, why then won't you want to solve this already?" She asked him. "Is this because of stress, are you being bullied, are people bothering you? Or are you having financial problems?" She asked, knowing a little of what could be hurting Yoongi. "If you are lying about your tummy ache, you can come clean about it with me, just tell me you want a place to come and rest, if you are sleepy through the day because of your job I still could let you come here and give you a note, you don't need to lie about having stomach troubles, if you want a place to hide you are always welcome with me, but please don't lie to me."

The nurse had said holding his hands, Yoongi then looked at her, he had small tears in his eyes, usually he wouldn't cry that easily, but she was such a nice old lady, that he felt safe with her, and his emotions always came out from his barriers as if she had the key to his locks and chains.

Yoongi sniffed, his shoulders going up and down, he cleaned his nose with his sweatshirt paw, and then he nodded.

"Sorry nurse Seol, it's just that school is so bad. One day all the other students began to avoid me, talk behind my back, make up all those crazy rumors, and they all hate me and laugh at me. I thought I was fine but it bothers me. I can't go to the cafeteria anymore, or to the dinning tables area, the garden, or the other places I used to take breaks at, they stand up as soon as I sit down, or they insult me. I stopped going there, this is the only place I have left." He said he was sniffing so sadly his tears rolled down from his eyes. "It's because of that incident I told you about Hoseok, it was an accident, I swear I'm not a monster, I never expected him to really be mute."

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