Chapter 11: The revenge. Panic.

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Warnings: posttraumatic stress disorder attack, fainting spell, selective mutism, mention of childhood abuse past and traumas, self-injuries, scars, public humiliation, bullying, anxiety.

Chapter 11: The revenge. Panic.

Hoseok would never be someone to frequent those kind of places, he wasn't a popular guy, or one with many friends, and due to his mutism he wouldn't go outside that much, he was really self conscious about not been able to talk, so he prefered to avoid situations where he would meet with other people and actually have to talk to them, the only public space he usually frequented was the gym as his trainer already knew him, and also the museum or public libraries where he didn't needed to talk that much.

But then what had he been doing in the bar on Friday night? That unlucky chaotic Friday for him, he had been invited by one of his best childhood friends. A guy younger than him who was 20 years old. His name is Jimin  and he lived near his aunt and uncle's house, he also was borned in a wealthy family, so they would often see each other at some gatherings and events that his uncle hosted to do business relationships, the kids would play with each other.

Jimin was the only one who had decided to play with him, as Hoseok had been that weird Kid, who lived with his uncle and aunt instead of his own parents, and who had been changed from school, and placed into his uncle's and aunt's custody suddenly one day.

Jimin met him at his lowest, when Hoseok was a frightened kid, shy, and who had stopped talking suddenly one day, he had been to many doctors, his body was full of injuries, scars and recent bruises everywhere. Jimin met him one week before he had come to live with his relatives. Jimin had seen a lonely kid hiding beside a fountain on one the gardens of the mansion, he decided to investigate more, and found himself with an older boy who was crying but no sound came from his mouth, his little hands were bandaged, he had a black eye, his mouth and lips had  skabs, and his pain and frightened state could be seen in his sad eyes.

Jimin heard rumors, the adults talked about the Jung kid, they had heard his own parents had abused him, and they were put in jail. He had been placed into his only relative's custody, but the kid had been so damaged and traumatized, he had lost his voice, he couldn't speak, "selective mutism" many doctors and psychiatrists had called it. Jimin was so young but still he remembered feeling he really wanted to be his friend and help him, and he actually did.

Slowly Hoseok opened up to his relatives, and learned to trust them, and slowly he accepted Jimin as his friend. Until he found his voice again, but more often than not he couldn't talk in public or with the rest of the people, so they decided it was best to say he was mute, to take away that pressure from him. It was easier for him.

That week Jimin had met a guy, Taehyung, they were flirting, but Jimin had been afraid to meet him alone that Friday night at the bar, so he had invited Hoseok to show him that ambience. As both were from a wealthy family, they decided to meet in a low category, third class bar, where no one could recognize them, and tell their families.

It went well, and Jimin ended up talking to his date, and he decided he wasn't dangerous so they agreed to meet again. By then Hoseok had drank without noticing it, he never ever drank alcohol, he was bad with alcohol and he hated it, but the drink was so sweet and tasted like juice it was so delicious he couldn't stopped asking for more, he was a lightweight, so he could never ever got to handle his liquor, Jimin knew it, but he had been so distracted, he didn't notice until the damage was done.

Taehyung had gone first, he returned home at 3:00 in the morning, so Jimin finally remembering he had a friend, went to look for Hoseok, who had been the last two hours sitting inside a filthy bathroom stall, first hiding, then too dizzy to move, later sleeping just to be woken up by his stomach.

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