Chapter 1: The mint haired boy. Encounter.

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Trigger Warnings: None.

Chapter 1: The mint haired boy. Encounter.

In the middle of the darkness a young man lays asleep, on top of a cold hard bed. In that quietness a ringing voice is calling. Desperate, screaming, it sounds anguishing, piercing the young man's ears. His head vibrates with the painful sound and yet the man seems to be unable to wake up yet. He seems to have had a really bad sleep, his night hasn't been the best. 

His alarm clock has been ringing for 30 seconds, and yet his mind refuses to wake up. This isn't unusual, he went to bed pretty late, as any other day. He worked really hard, he has two part time jobs, sometimes three, and some nights he ends up working at the bar pretty late, he arrives home late, and passes out exhausted in the old second hand bed he has in his small ugly apartment he rents. 

Finally a pale big hand came from under the covers, hitting the buttons on the clock and finally it stopped ringing. The silence again invades that small, narrow and humid place. 

The man still curled inside the covers, the pale hand is returning inside the warm covers. Min Yoongi is the name of the young man. He is already awake. He knows he should be getting ready for his morning classes, but his head pounds, he is sleep deprived, he feels his eyelids are so heavy, he didn't have dinner last night, his body is out of energy, he doubts if he could even get to open his eyes at all that day. 

After some more minutes, he is shaken off his stupor. He forces himself, forcing the last ounce of strength left in him to cooperate and fulfill his responsibilities. Finally he sat on the bed. His eyes managed to open barely, his small black eyes piercing through the darkness. Shiny small eyes, like cat eyes, contemplating the darkness. 

Slowly he begins to move, mechanically, as a programmed machine, as a simple doll which had been given cord, his batteries almost running out, and still the pale small doll has to dance a rhythmic tune, society had designated for everyone. 

Slowly he gets to his bathroom, he is dressed in a white tank top, and red underwear, he looks himself in the mirror, he looks pale, his dark circles under his eyes are bigger than in other normal days. He knows he looks like a ghost, lanky pale legs and boney knees, he traces his chest and abdomen under his tank top while he scratches at his skin absentmindedly. He feels his ribs under the pale skin, and yet his rounded   belly is like a small pouch, circular and chubby, slightly more prominent. He rubs at his own belly, it feels soft and warm. 

He yawns. He rubs his eyes lastly. He washes his face harshly with the cold water, waking him up immediately and making him shiver to his last fiber, his mint color dyed hair dripping cold water, then he brushes his teeth and goes to pee. After his biological necessities had been fulfilled, he returned to his room, dressed himself in a white shirt, black denim trousers, thorned at the knees, his red converse shoes old and dirty. He puts on his leather jacket, and rearranging his hair with his hands, he feels ready to go out. 

He takes his school bag, and his guitar, he holds both of them on each of his shoulders, and like that he leaves his apartment, he climbs his motorcycle and puts on an old helmet, he turns the engine on and on and straight he goes dashing with the wind behind. 

He drives fast in the middle of the quiet street, the street lights are just turning off, and the dark sky is just beginning to shine with the first sun rays. 

It's pretty early, but Yoongi knows he lives far away from university, it was the only apartment in good condition he could rent at a discounted price. One of his aunt's friends owned it, and he agreed to help Yoongi out. 

The black and red motorcycle runs fast through the streets, the speed and air making him feel free, he enjoys the morning breeze before his boring classes. 

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