Page 37: The Mightier Sword

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(Second Opening Theme: Arifureta S2 OP-Daylight Performed By MindaRyns)

-Tolsa Village, Northside-

The fighting didn't seem to stop, as the sun had rose to midday. Though it didn't matter for Cian's group, as they took a moment to catch their breath, having already taken care of several of the Assassins that had seen the light.

Rain had been dragging one of the assassins they had just taken out into a pile of other people.

She sighed as she brushed her hands, "Whew---These guys are tougher than I thought."

Sol wiped her head as she said, "These guys really don't know when to quit."

"Well--at least we can take a breather for a while." Rain said as she rested against the pickaxe, "We can get for ready for the next---"

Suddenly, Rain's ears twitched as she could hear the faint sound of glass. She immediately drew her pickaxe again.

"What? What is it?" Sol asked before---

"Those ears... Are you by chance one of the Elf's that went into hiding?"

Sol and Rain froze when they could hear a voice behind them, belonging to a girl. They turned around fast to see only the number 16 before they were both sent flying with a kick.

Luckily they were both able to catch their footing as they recovered, though they could see open wounds on their arms.

"How shameful---" 16 said, "---I heard you all died out when the Princess vanished. Guess the humans back then must've missed a few. What a careless mistake."

"She's a DOLL!?" Sol said, "I thought that Staff was supposed to take them out!"

"She's got a higher number just like they said!" Rain said.

16's eyes glowed for a moment before she said, "You both have strong mana, but they are nowhere near a Captain's level. Such a shame. This fight will be boring for me."

Rain held her pickaxe tight as she got in position. Though---

"How boring."

Rain suddenly felt several cuts open on her body as 16 was suddenly behind her. Rain fell forward as she passed out.

"... How very boring." 16 said.

Sol had told 16, "HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!" She shoot her mud magic at 16 though, 16 not only cut her mud she cut her arm as she shouted in agony.

"..The direct approach---I see you're those types of mages are you?" 16 asked.

"SHUT UP!" Sol shouted as she was about to try again, only for her leg to be get stabbed

"... How foolish of you to think you could take me out just like that." 16 said, "You are very predictable aren't you?"

"Earth--Creation--Magic.." Sol grunted.

She soon grabbed her grimoire as Sol could feel her grip tightening on her.

"... I wouldn't do that if I were you." 16 said, "I'll rip off your arm if you even think about trying."

"How is this possible?!" Sol thought, "I couldn't even track her! Is this---" She soon had an image of 13 and Prism fighting in her head, "---Is this really the same kind of DOLL Pri-Pri fought before!?"

"And here I thought fighting people from Clover would be entertaining." 16 said, "Afterall I heard of 13 fighting that half-breed with her full power. How boring... I won't be able to fight her---Then again, I can't now considering her condition."

The Beast and the Sword Book 3: A Koi's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now