Page 54: One Word

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It was late at night in Raque, and the air had been a chill. The waves softly crashed on the shore, giving a restful night to those that lived in Raque. Asta had been wide awake, nervous about something as he had been pacing around in the living room. Trying to get his head together.

"Okay, okay---" He said to himself, "---You gotta do it, you gotta do it you gotta---"

He groaned as he sat back, "I can't! I can't! She'll freak out! And it'll ruin our relationship with each other!"

He soon jumped at a strange sound, though he calmed down when he realized it was just his device.

He gave it a tap before he saw a familiar red hair girl appear as a virtual image. "Feo!" Asta said relieved.

"Hey Dum-Dum---" Feodora said as she waved, "--Glad you finally picked up."

"Yeah sorry---" He said as he rubbed the back of his head, "---Things have been pretty crazy."

"I'll say. What with Yami and you going AWOL and making the Stuck Up crazy, we thought you'd up and left the Magic Knights. Seriously though, I'm glad to know that you're okay. How's Prism?"

"She's---Still shook up from what happened, but coming out here was really good for her."

"Nice to know Yami knows what he's doing."

She soon took notice of the look on Asta's face. "Everything okay?" She asked, "You got that troubled look again."

"Feo! I'm in trouble! Huge trouble!" Asta said.

"That never sounds good." She said. "Okay lay it on me, what's the problem?"

"Oh! Well---it's--" Asta said as he blushed while trying to say the words "it's---well--I'm--"

"Well what?" Feodora said.

"I'm trying to---" Asta said, getting embarrassed. "Tell--"

Feodora sighed as she said "if this is another plan to make your special pot potato pie, need I remind you what happened last time-"

"NO! Not that!" Asta said "I'm actually trying to confess my feelings to Prism!" He immediately shut his mouth as Feodora looked stunned. She cleaned her ears to make sure she was hearing that right.

"Whoa--Man, you finally grew up." Feodora said

"FEO!" He shouted embarrassed as Feodora laughed.

"Seriously that's what this is about?" She said. "Well You're in luck. You came to the right gal!"

Asta sighed, "Feo---I've never been a mess like this before. I don't even know the first thing about dating!"

"Trust me you'll get over that feeling." Feodora said with a chuckle.

"Did---You and Yuno you know, since you got together, did you go on a date yet?" He asked.

Feodora sighed, "Not yet---With all that's going on, we just haven't found the time. But when we do I know it'll be great."

"Then---What do I do?" He asked.

Feodora pondered for a moment, "Why not just tell her how you feel straight out?"

Asta flinched as he said "T-t-tell her how I feel? As in--!?"

"Yeah---Just saying it." She said, "It works with other people."

"I-I--I CAN'T DO THAT!" Asta exclaimed.

The Beast and the Sword Book 3: A Koi's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now