Len x Reader part one

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As you approached your high school you could hear the yelling of the two loudest siblings on campus. You sighed as you glanced ahead of you at your two best friends with Len and Rin getting into yet another fight. "Yeah and I say that you do!" "Rin shut up I do not!"

Shaking your head you ran over. "Len! Rin! Good morning" you called, they both turned to look at you.

Rin waved at you enthusiastically. Catching up you smiled widely at both of them. Rin pulled on Len's cheek "well Len don't be rude say good morning." Len struggled to get out his twins grip. "Ok, ok! Good morning (y/n)! Will ya let me go now."

You laughed at their behavior a nodded. "Good morning to you guys too. So what are you two arguing about this time?" "Oh nothing I'm trying to get Len to admit he likes -"

Len covered her mouth with his hand cutting her off. "Its no one Rin is just being annoying again. Isn't that right Rin." He said glaring at Rin the entire time.

You felt your heart sink 'so he likes someone'. As cliche as it was you had fallen for your best friend. But in the end was it really all that surprising? As long as you could he was there for remember, when people would pick on you and Rin. When your first crush broke your heart, there was no question to why you loved him really.

But he was very different from you I mean HE WAS A FREAKING FAMOUS SINGER FOR PETES SAKE! You knew you'd never have a chance with him.

The warning bell for first period rang. "See ya guys I have to go meet up with Kaito" Len hugged Rin waved bye to you "see you later" you said

You and Rin stood out by your locker. "Oh come on (y/n) everyone knows you like him! Why don't you just ask him out already!" Grabbing your math book you rolled your eyes at your over hyper friend. "I don't know what you're talking about Rin now come we're gonna be late"

Time skip
School had just let out and you were on your way to meet the twins when you had bumped into some one.

"Oh sorry" you apologized "are you alright?" A young man with light pink hair laughed "yeah I'm just fine." Yuma helps you up (y/n)-chan I'm glad I uh ran into I wanted to ask you something" he said ad you brushed dirt from your skirt.

You tilted your head to the side in a confused manner. Yuma rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me tonight for some sushi?" (Screw all of you who don't like sushi I love that stuff)

You could feel you face heat up as you you tried to come up with an answer. Sure you liked Len but you were pretty sure he liked miku. Yuma liked sad "it's ok if you don't want to." You smiled up at him "pick me up around 7?" With a wide Grin he turned to head off. "See you then"

With a wide smile you ran the rest of the way to your friends. "RIN! LEN! GUESS WHAT!" You yelled as you caught up to them by the school gate. "What is it (y/n)?" Len asked as you guys left the school grounds. With a shy smile you replied "Yuma just asked me out tonight" you unfortunately didn't see what your answer did to the others

(Len's pov)
W...what? (Y/n) was going out with ...Yuma? (Y/n) gave us a happy smile. But this time it wasn't for us it was because of him. I felt like she had just ripped out my heart and stomped it into the ground. From out of the corner of my my eye I saw my sister give me a worried look. "Are sure that's smart (y/n) Yuma is a player do yo-" I was cut off. "It'll be fine Len" she gave a smile. I tried to ignore the jealousy I was feeling. I had a weird feeling that something was going to happen to night.

ok I know this isn't the best but I wanted to do something more than a oneshot with Len so I plan on doing a two parter with him the next oneshot is going to be Kaito I know that one of you guys asked would really like Oliver but I already had an idea for Kaito hope you guys enjoyed this first part remember r&r and give me your suggestions on who next