Miku x Fem Reader

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How long has it been now? Since you had last seen her happy? Since the last time she spoke truthfully to you? Why you couldn't help asking yourself, why keep me out? Why not let me help her.

In truth you weren't sure when the girl you used to know started down this path. To everyone else she's still the fun loving always smiling Miku she always had been. But you weren't that stupid you knew something was wrong yet couldn't find the nerve to ask what.

In truth you were ashamed of this.

It started off small, Miku Suddenly start trying to avoid most people at school. Then she didn't seem to have time to hang out with you and the others. But still as ashamed you are to say it, but it wasn't until she started to wear long sleeves and pants (which she never did she always said she preferd skirts) did you finally figured out something was wrong.

You would ask here over and over if she was ok. "I'm fine (Y/N)-chan"
You knew that was a lie.

You started to keep a closer eye on Miku and noticed that her smile wasn't real it was always forced and strained.

Time skip

One day Miku and you were walking home when you noticed a someone following you. Miku Suddenly stopped walking.

She turned to you and pulled one of her fake smiles, "so sorry (Y/N)-chan but I have to go a friend is waiting in me." You frowned slightly but nodded. "Sure ... I guess I'll see you tomorrow Miku."

You waved goodbye and walked head against your better judgment. She'll be fine, you told youself. If it's something serious she'll tell you like always. You glanced back to see her walking away. She would, wouldn't she?

(Miku's pov)

I tried not to cry as I saw Her approach me and (Y/N). The last thing I wanted was to make her worry. But also I didn't want HER to hurt (Y/N) too. So I faked a smile and told her I had to meet someone .... I'm such a liar.

After I was sure (Y/N) was gone I walked up to HER. Alice, I used to believe she was one of my closest friends, until I told her what I was.

I had been meaning to tell her for awhile. I had just came out to my older brother Kaito and (Y/N). Telling my other best friend only seemed natural right?

I don't think I have ever been so wrong.

Alice said I was disgusting.

At first it wasn't all that bad. Yeah it hurt that Alice didn't accept me but I told my self I didn't need her you know. That I still had the others. But then Alice started to threaten me saying I couldn't be around her friends.

When I refused to stop being with my friends ... She carried out with the threats.

"Hey freak" Alice called I clinched a little at the harsh words. "Hello Alice" I whispered my voice barely audible. The next thing I knew I was on the ground with my cheek stinging.

*kick* "what *kick* a *kick* useless *kick* bitch." She growled our kicking me in the stomach again and again. I coughed not being able to catch my breath as I cryed out loud.

"Please" I sobed "stop!" Alice grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me to my knees. "Why should I huh?" She chuckled "You deserve it, your nothing but lying freak who gets a kick out of pretending to be normal."

I just didn't understand I never lied to her ... to anyone! Why, did she hate me so much.

I looked up to see her holding out a pocket knife. My eyes widen in fear of what she might do. As she swung the knife down I closed my eyes expecting the worst when I felt nothing I opened my eyes to see one of my long pigtails laying on the ground.

She raised they knife again probably to cut off the other one but she never got the chance when...


(Normal pov)

You ran over to get Miku away from that Bitch. You shoved Alice off Miku. "Get out off here before I call the cops!" You screamed. The Girl glared before taking off. You turned to Miku and gasped in horror at the statw she was in. "Miku! Oh my god"

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" She mumbled weakly. You feel to your knees pulling her into a hug. "We have to get you to a hospital."

(Time skip)

You knocked lightly one the door before stepping in "hey" you called softly. Miku looked up from her place at the bed and have you a small smile. "Hey" she replied, you moved a chair next to her bed and took a seat.

"So ... You gonna talk to me?" You asked. Miku looked away from you almost as if she was ashamed. You frowned. "Miku" you demanded.

"I told her" she spoke softly "I thought she would understand." You frowned knowing exactly what she was talking about. "So she hurt you because of that?!" You almost screamed. "What gave her the right..."

You took one look at the teal haired girl and calmed down the last thing she needs is me yelling you thought.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked "Don't you trust me."

Miku looked away again "I didn't want her to hurt you" she hiccuped. You gave her a a confused look. "Why would she come after me?" Miku broke down once again, "Because if she knew how I felt she would have thought you were Lesbian too!" She sod.

Your eyes widen in understanding. Getting up ftom your chair you sat on the edge of the bed and began to run you fingers through her now short hair. "It ashame they had to cut your hair I always thought it was so pretty" you commented. Miku looked at you confused, "you aren't mad at me?" She asked

You pulled your hand away from her head, Why would I be upset when I just found out you like me back" you spoke with a smile.

And for the first time in along time Miku smiled a real smile. Things weren't perfect but they were sure as hell getting better.

Got this idea from a Yullen story read the other day and also a little from rolling girl. I was going to do a super sweet one but ended up doing this instead but I promise the next few will me supper fluffy to make up for the sadder oned I've been writing lately. Love you guys R&R alright after going back and rereading I realized that in some parts with the Alice thing is said they or Meiko that is because I was originally going to us her and Luka or Haku as the antagonists but I didn't have the heart to do it and changed it to Alice I believe I have fixed all that now if not tell me and I'll correct it