Can I Ever Look Back?

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   I smiled as I walked into my room and flopped On my bed. I looked at the folder cluched in my hand feeling pride swell up in me. 'I finally did it' I think to my self as I look at that simple marron folder. After so many long years and and struggles I've done it. I now am finally an adult with my life ahead of me the piece of paper in my hand meant everything to me.

  "LIL HURRY UP OR YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE TO YOUR OWN GRADUATION PARTY!" I hear my mom call from the other room. Laughing I jump up to get ready. After getting dressed I go to put away my cap and gown in the top of my closet. As I stuggle to reach the top I knocked a box off the self where I was trying to set my things. Kneeling down I go to clean up the mess only to be shocked at what I found. Staring right back at me was a small plushie from my past. The small blue haired boy that I haven't seen years. "I thought I threw you away" I said as I picked him up and turned the box up right so I can repack it. But it wasn't just the one plush I saw before me. There were so many things I could have sworn I had gotten rid of so long ago.

   Two more plushies of two young blonde Vocaloids smiling at me, a pop figure Miku which had been the first piece of Vocaloid merch I had ever gotten, old art books and finally something I never thought I'd see again. An old worn Hatsune Miku poster. Slowly I pick up the old poster.

"We missed you Lilli." I heard a soft sweet voice say from behind me. I turned and smiled softly at the young women with bright teal twin tails and kind eyes behind me. "I missed you too."

"Welcome Back"

It's good to be back

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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