Yandere Oliver x Reader

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You frowned as you saw your friend walked away from you. You and Oliver had just gotten into yet another fight, you just couldn't believe this! You two used to never fight but ever since you started dating Yuma he's been acting strange.

Yuma told you not to worry about it. "He's just upset he can't spend as much time with you now he'll come around eventually" he had told you with a smile. Still though you couldn't shake a feeling that something had changed in your friend.

Sighing you turned to to head the opposite direction so you could meet up with Mikou and Len your other two friends.

You still remembered a time when no one would talk to you due to you rather bleak out look on life. You had come from a rough family and had come to believe people weren't to be trusted, Oliver had changed all that when you met him in fifth grade. It hurt to think you were loseing him.

Putting on a brave face you ran to met with you blonde and teal haired friends, at least you still has those two right?

Time skip

The next morning as you were eating breakfast you heard your mother let out a loud cry. Dropping your toast you ran to the front of your house. "Mom whats wrong?" Your mother not being able to talk through her tears simply point to the tv.

You stood in horror as you Listened to the news.

This morning at 3:30 am a young teenage boy was found two miles from his home in a nearby park brutally stabbed to death

The young boy has since then been identified as Mikuo Hatsune

You fell to the ground sobbing. 'How could Mikuo be dead I just saw him yesterday!' Your mother never had been close to still pulled you into her arms whispering that every thing would be fine. You continued to cry until you fell asleep in your mother's arms.

Your mother decided it would be better if you didn't go to school. So you had stayed home. A few hours later around the time school let out you heard a knock on the door. You didn't want to see anyone, but you knew it was better to just get it over with.

To your surprise you opened the door to see Len and Yuma standing before you. Len looked like he was on the verge of tears as Yuma patted the younger boy on his back. "Hey (Y/N) we thought it was better if you weren't alone right now." Yuma spoke with a sad smile.

Without thinking you threw yourself into Yuma's arms and pulled Len in with you as, you felt all of your sorrows coming back to you full force.

A few hours later Yuma said he had to head home and Len said he wanted to go make sure Miku was doing alright. You didn't want to be alone at the moment. So with a trembling hand you reached for your phone and punched in a number you knew very well.

"Hello?" A male voice spoke. "Hey Oliver" you whispered into the phone. "(Y/N) I've been worried I heard about Mikuo how are you holding up?"

You let a small smile grace you lips 'maybe he does still care' "Oliver I hate to ask you this but can I come over I really don't want to be alone right now" you asked. You heard some shuffling and something that sounded like a voice. "Uhh yeah I guess."

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Thank you Oliver see you soon" "yeah see you soon (Y/N)."

Time skip

You knocked on the large wooden door in front of you and stood back waiting for your friend to open it. Oliver opened the door with a bright smile "come on in (Y/N)." Nodding you followed in him in "you go head and head up to my room there's something I want to show you"

You suddenly felt nervous you could tell something was off about Oliver's smile. Still you agreed and went up stairs.

As you reached the top of the stairs you smelt a horrible metallic smell. As you approached Oliver's bed room the awful smell grew to the point you could almost taste it.

With a shaking hand you slowly opened the door.

You let out a horrifying scream.

Yuma laid on the floor in a pool of blood. His throat slit opened and still leaking even though his heart hand long since stopped beating.

You heard crazy laugh behind you before you felt something something hit you on the back of your neck.

The last you heard before you faded into darkness was "Now you're mine (Y/N)." The last thing you saw was one golden eye you knew all to well

Yikes that was pretty dark for me. Yeah well I'm not a huge Oliver fan but I do like some of his songs. The last song I heard from him was Kinda dark so I decided to play off that (it was not the song in the media I just picked that one because I like that song) anyway way R/R and request