A New Company

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The blazing Wrath sun plastered over a small town. A tumbleweed rolled by as an anonymous figure took a step forward, looking on at the seemly quiet town. The sounds of the figure's spurs could be heard with every step as through the darkened windows, glowing yellow eyes could be seen peering through the windows before disappearing back into the darkness.

At a lone saloon, it was revealed that it wasn't very busy due to it being around noon as the bartender could be seen wiping a glass while several Imps, Hellhounds, and some other species of Hell were shown throughout the saloon with some being passed out on some tables after drinking so much, while a few were shown playing cards.

Over in one corner was a cyborg who was playing on a piano but other than that, it was mostly quiet until the doors opened... resulting in the entire place to silence, getting everyone to look over and see the mysterious figure standing in the doorway. The silence was then replaced by the figure walking toward the bar, his spurs along with his boots struck and stepped onto the hardwood floor, the floor creaking with every step making it way more tense than it needed to be upon the figure reaching the bar while the bartender eyed him up and down for a moment with a eyebrow raised.

"What'll be pal?" He asked as the figure raised his brow while staring daggers at the bartender (only showing much due to his face covered with a bandana, "Ah, say no more, I got what you want." He said and reached underneath the table, pulling out an ice-cold beer before opening it and handing it to the figure who pulled down his bandana, revealing his entire face.

The bartender reacted in shock taking a step back upon seeing the figure's entire face. The figure was a human but what was a human doing down in Hell?

This is a question that many like yourself who are reading would be asking indefinitely but the question was never really brought up due to what this figure has done for who knows how long he has been here, giving off a very intimidating stance, mostly everyone just went back to what they were doing as the cyborg went back to playing on the piano.

While the figure drank out of the beer bottle, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a female Imp creeping down the stairs, She seemed pretty young, like in her late twenties with black hair that was all messy and was definitely in a rush as she was wearing only a black bra with one of the straps dangling from her bare shoulder which revealed some kind of tattoo that went from her shoulder and reached to her back along with a leather jacket that was halfway on her.

She was also wearing black booty shorts, while she had her long black stripper-like boots in her hand revealing her two-toe hooves as she carefully snuck over to the bar.

"Psst, hey bartender." She called out to him.

"Enjoyed your night, ma'am?" He asked, but the lady frantically looked around.

"Yeah, yeah it was great, uh... can you help me?" She asked as she frantically put the rest of her coat on, "I'm in a real rush here, and I need help getting to the nearest transportation."

"Well, there is a train..." Before the bartender could finish, a door on the upper floor could be heard bursting open.

"WHERE THAT SLUT GO?!" A man yelled out as two sets of footsteps could be heard running down the stairs revealing it to be two Imps, One was trying to fix his pants while the other was completely shirtless.

"There's that fucking bitch!" One of them pointed to the female Imp who looked back at them with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh ho ho, h-hey boys... I was uh j-just getting a drink..." She explained with a nervous chuckle before getting slapped in the face by one of the Imps.

"Shut up you stupid bitch!" One of the Imps interrupted her, "You were trying to run out with our money!"

"Yeah, we still got some hours left."

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