Dog Rescue

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(A/N: This chapter will be loosely based on a web comic series called Dogfight, I'll upload the link for a dub up above. Also... WARNING: Heavy sexual assault will be in this chapter, Hell does not condone the factual ideal of sexual assault and the idea of rape. So reader discretion is advising, without further ado enjoy.)

Loona just laid in bed, scrolling through her phone, more specifically looking at Beezelbub's and Vortex's posts on social media. Seeing the pics they uploaded of them together really didn't make Loona feel any better, Vortex dates the Queen of Gluttony? How could she even compete with that? Let alone this was her absolute first crush, more like having her heart crushed hard seeing them happy together.

On the outside she was happy to see Vortex happy, but on the inside she wanted to scream and cry in anger. How dare this likable bug take her crush?! Her anger started to show as she gripped her phone tightly and groaned in anger before sitting up.

"Fuckin' prick." She said before getting up from her bed, "The fuck does this bitch have that I don't?!" She asked before walking past her mirror. She suddenly stopped and walked back to the mirror and stared at herself. At first she looked at her features and thought that maybe something was wrong, "What is it?" She asked herself as she rotated her head trying to get a good look at her face, maybe it was her ripped ear that she had that made her ugly, was it the clothes she wore.

That couldn't be the case, since the shirt right that she was wearing Vortex himself got her while they hung out one time. She gave a smile as she took a hold of the shirt and felt the contents, remembering when he bought it for her.

"Hey thanks for the lunch Loon." Vortex thanked her as the two were shown sitting together at a fast food joint. Loona couldn't help herself and her tail was shown wagging fast from his compliment, even having a small hint of a blush on her face.

"Y-yeah, yeah! No pro... problem d-dude." She nervously said which Vortex simply laughed.

"Girl, why you so bent up?"

"Just... n-nervous, you know, I don't... I don't normally go out with those... who uh, uh, c-care, as... as much as y-you do."

"Well there's David, he cares about you two."

"B-besides him." Loona noted, to which Vortex crossed his arms and shrugged at her statement.

"Hey, I uh, I got ya something."

"You got... for me?" Loona asked quite disbelief that someone that wasn't Blitzø got her a gift.

"Yeah, I wanted to get you something since we're friends." He said as he reached down and picked up a small bag, "Here ya go." He said holding out the small bag.

Loona was at first skeptical of him offering her a gift but slowly she took the bag from him and opened the bag. She stuck her nose into the bag before pulling out an exact same shirt that she was already wearing.

"I... I know it's not much but I just thought that it would be nice to have another shirt." She said rubbing the back of his head, clearly embarrassed by his purchase. Loona however, smile grew and grew before her tail began to wag uncontrollably.

"I Love It!" She shouted getting Vortex to be taken back by her sudden outburst, "Er uh, it's... it's really, really cool t-thanks." She said with a nervous laugh as Vortex joined in on the laughter.

Loona simply sighed but soon her anger started to boil again as her thoughts transpired back to the party, seeing Vortex and Beezelbub nuzzle one another, just makes her sick, that should've been... that should've been her.

Soon her anger got the best of her and she threw her phone against the wall, causing it to smash against the wall leaving a dent in the drywall. As she calmed down, she walked over to her bed and picked up her phone to see that it was about 2 in the morning. She definitely didn't feel tired nor did she feel like she's fully calmed down, but what grew on her mind right now was... she definitely needed a drink of something, maybe even drown her sorrows away.

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