The Storming of D.H.O.R.K.S

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The evening was drawing to a close as David sat in his Hell Chargers eating a sandwich, with the driver door wide open. He was looking at his phone rereading some of the text messages he and Loona had been having, smiling at some of the stuff they randomly talked about, even seeing some of the selfies they sent back to one another.

He sighed happily as he could see how much Loona enjoyed talking to him, though he was wishing that he would be taken on more jobs with the I.M.P crew, but there was nothing he could do about that.

As he sat in his car focusing on his phone and thinking about Loona, his passenger window was tapped on, to which he quickly aimed his revolver at whoever was knocking on his window. Upon looking over he sees that it is one of Verosika's Possies, more specifically Apple.

"Woah woah hey!" Apple threw her hands up in defense, "It's just me." She said with a smile, David rolled his eyes holstered his revolver, and continued eating, "Hope I'm not botherin' ya uh, sir." She said, to which David groaned in frustration.

"What is it Apple?" He asked.

"Well uh... ya see... uh... I-I uh need your help." She said giving him a sheeply smile which David pinched the bridge of his nose.

"If this a sexual favor..."

"Oh no no no, this is uh... something else." She said rubbing the back of her neck clearly embarrassed, "Uh... you see m-my car 'broke' down." She said using air quotation, raising some suspicious from David, "And I uh... need to get back to the office." She stated with an embarrassed smile. Silence grew between the two as David just stared at her.

"So let me get this straight..." He finally said, "Your car broke down and want 'me'..." He said pointing to her, "To take you back to the studio." He stated.

"Wellll..." She started to say and shifted her eyes over, "Yes?" She answered looking at him with a huge smile on her face. David however groaned in annoyance and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Couldn't you just use a bus pass?" He questioned, to which Apple chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her head.

"I uh, owe them some money." She explains.

"Fine." David said, sighing in defeat, "Hop in, I'll get ya to the studio."

"Really?!" She asked and opened the passenger door hoping in the car, "I should thank you for this, I mean..." She then lowered her eyelids trying to be seductive, "I might know a way to thank you, you handsome hunk." She cooed dragging her finger across his leg but David put his hand in her face pushing her back away from his face.

"Do you want me to kick you out? You know I can change my fucking mind."

"No no, no no no, sorry, forgot." She said and sat in her seat behaving as best as she could.

"Uh-huh, that's what I thought." He said and went to start up his Charger when suddenly...


The passenger window shattered startling both David and Apple who both looked over to see a very angry Sinner trying to reach for Apple.

"GET THE FUCK OUT HERE YOU FUCKIN' SLUT!" He screamed out getting Apple to scream in terror as she basically crawled herself into David's lap, kicking and screaming at the angry Sinner. David rolled his eyes, drew his revolver, aimed it at the Sinner, and fired a shot at him, smacking him right dab in the forehead.

As a reminder, Sinners are immortal, so this shot in the head caused the Sinner to tumble back onto the ground. The Sinner quickly stood up and touched his head, feeling he wound he just received from the bullet.

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