Loo Loo Land (Currently Cleaning)

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In an unknown warehouse, a small group of shark-like demons and Imps was busy organizing large crates when two of them pried open one of the crates, revealing stacks and stacks of counterfeit money.

"Ooohooo, that's what I call the mother load." The Imp said drooling over the fake moolah before getting smacked in the back of the head by the shark-like demon that was next to him.

"Quit fooling around, the boss wants these crates in the vans so that they can distribute them to the other Rings!" He said as they continued loading the crates into the nearby vans. Suddenly they heard glass breaking from up above.

"What was that?" One of the Imps asked as a shark-like demon could be seen flying through the air before crashing into some of the crates. Some of the members ran over to help the poor guy, only to watch the shark-like demon back up from them in horror.

"H-he's... he's here!" He cried out before getting up and backing up against a large stack of crates.

"What are you talking..." Before one of the goons could finish asking, a loud bang could be heard which caused everyone to duck... except for the panicked shark-like demon who got hit in the head and fell onto the crates, causing them to fail and crash, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled out, getting everyone to pull out their guns and scanning the room, waving their guns around frantically.

"Where did that come from?!"

"I don't know!"

"They could be everywhere!" Some of the Imps and shark-like demons shouted when suddenly a dark large figure landed in the middle of the scared group. The light soon settled, revealing that it was David.

"It's the bounty hunter!" One of the Imps yelled out.

"Fill 'em full of lead." Another Imp said as three of them aimed their assault rifles at David. However, David dove over to a large shark-like demon, wrapped an arm around its thick neck, and held him as tightly as he could before they opened fire on the two of them. Thankfully David was perfectly fine, unfortunately for the poor shark-like demon he turned into bloody swiss cheese.

Soon the demons had to reload which gave David a chance to shove the led filled shark-like demon over to them, once gravity took over he landed on one of the Imps with a sickening thud. One of the other Imps sidestepped and began firing at David who was sprinting from the spew of bullets and dodging them with ease before seeing another Imp getting ready to shoot at him in front of him.

Quickly he lowered himself while running in a full sprint, and grabbed the Imp by the stomach. Between them and David's amount of momentum he created, caused the two to crash through a nearby window which led into a small security room where upon entering the two rolled for a bit before David threw the Imp at a wall, pinning him against the wall.

Before the Imp could get to his, David immediately pounced on him and wrapped his hands around the Imp and started strangling the Imp. The Imp tried his best to break out from his grip as bullets flew by them but his vision started to get blurry. Before David could finish off the Imp...


A vibration noise could be heard in his pocket, pulling both David and the Imp out of the situation. David reached for his phone and pulled it out to see who was contacting him only to see that it was Loona. Seeing this made him roll his eyes as he planted an elbow onto the Imp's neck before answering the call, putting the phone up to his ear.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey David, Blitzø's been trying to call you earlier..."

"Where are you?" Loona asked as she was seen alone with the company's phone in between her shoulder while she was reading her Hellhound Monthly magazine.

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