Old Flames Never Die: Part 2

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Verosika groaned in pain as her vision returned back to normal as she shook her head. Her head was still spinning after those brutes grabbed her and smothered her with a cloth, but where was she? Not like she could see anything out of the ordinary due to there only being a single dimly-lit light that was hanging above her.

Upon looking down however, she seems to be tied up in the chair she was sitting in. She desperately tried to get her hands freed only to stop when she heard someone laughing at her attempts.

"My dear, I wouldn't do that if I were you." The voice could be heard which got her to stop what she was doing and looked around, "Wouldn't want you to get 'er hands scruffed up now would we?" The voice asked before a pair of yellow eyes appeared in the darkness.

"W-who are you?" Verosika asked trying to fidget with her binds, "What do you want?"

"My you are persistent with questions, you surprise me for being a popstar. But I'm a very persistent man when it comes to making money and though I don't have many names you can call me..." The figure began to say before stepping out of the darkness and into the light revealing him to be a sharply dressed Imp, "Crimson." He introduced himself.

He was a surprisenly tall Imp, standing closer in height to Blitzø, with white hair, black and white striped horns, and yellow sclera. Around his eyes are white markings, with the right being larger than the left (like mentioned earlier). He possesses a crooked and bent tail with white accents near the base and on the middle of his tail fork.

His appearance is similar to another Imp we know, Moxxie, with similar hair and shape of his horns, however larger and slightly more jagged. Unlike Moxxie, Crimson's skin is a darker shade of red and his legs appear to be plantigrade (meaning walking on the soles of the feet, like a human or a bear)
rather than digitigrade (walking on its toes and not touching the ground with its heels).
One of Crimson's fangs has been replaced with a golden fang.

His attire consists of a red high-collar shirt that grips his neck, topped by a navy blue coat with light blue accents, thin red stripes, red buttons, and red lining. His pants are dark blue which also have thin red stripes, and his shoes are black and red-heeled dress shoes. He also wears a black fedora with a red and white band.

"Perhaps you've heard of me." He gloated with a smile, Verosika however rolled her eyes.

"Please, I don't have time to know my obsessive fans." She stated with a snarky tone. Crimson didn't seemed so thrilled at her answer but kept his cool.

"I'm surprised that you agreed to do a concert for Mammon, most times he's screawing out his little clown-boy for money."

"Look pal, I just needed some money that's all."

"And you pick him out of all princes." Crimson remarked with an unimpressed look before shaking his head, "You know Miss. Mayday, people like you, all have one thing in common."

"Oh and enlighten me how people like me have one thing in common."

"Your image." Crimson answered with a smile before walking around Verosika, "You desperately want to keep your image up, that you'll do very desperate things just to keep in the headlines." He said with a chuckle.

"Whaddya gonna do, kill me? Well that's not gonna get you any credibility."

"Miss. Verosika, I am appalled by you thinking I would stooped that low for a few easily bucks." Crimson said stopping in front of Verosika with his hands behind his back, "I'm a measly business man whose only goal in life is to make as much money as I possibly can... by any means necessary." He explains, "And with you it's rather simple really." He added, "A simple trade is all we want, your life for money."

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