Chapter 2

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I head towards the entrance of the cafe that Pierre told me we were going to meet up, as I head inside I see him and Kika sitting at a table more towards the back.

As I head towards the table, I take in the decorations of the place. Clearly going for a cottegecore look, baby pink walls, with flowers everywhere, and cute bows on the curtains and napkins, reminding me of a girl that I use to sit next to in religious history, she always had braids with little pink bows tied to them. I can definitely tell it wasn't Pierre that picked this place to eat at.

''Alex!'' Kika exclaims standing up from her seat approaching me and pulling me into a hug. Even though me and Kika have only me met once we regularly talk over instagram, and Pierre always talks about her when we talk, anyone with eyes can see just how in love they are.

''Kika! It's so good to see you again, and can I just say that dress looks amazing on you, olive green is definitely your colour!'' like always she looks absolutely stunning, I will forever wonder how on earth Pierre pulled someone as attractive as her.

''Wow I see how it is. Huh no 'Oh My Pierre it's so amazing to see you, i've missed you so much' it's not like i've known you for 13 years or anything.'' Pierre glares at me playfully as I still have not greeted him.

''Oh tais-toi Pierre, I have missed you, much to my dismay." I hug him as he chuckles at my reply.

We sit down at the table and a waiter introduces herself and hand us our menus. "I still can't believe you Graduated University it truly feels like yesterday you were pacing back and forth in my apartment waiting to see if you got accepted" Pierre says with a smile on his face as if he is reliving the memory.

" I know right, time goes by so fast, I still can't fathom the fact I'm like an official adult now." "Yeah it's weird man, also what is it that I heard that you got a job at the museum here in Monaco? I'm so proud and excited for you, you have come so far." He says.

"I still can't believe it myself to be honest, like I didn't think I would get a job offer so quickly so I'm truly thankful. But I'm only starting in 3 months, since I want to see Charles race since I wasn't able to for a long time."

"It's going to be like when we were younger and you came to watch our karting races, I honestly am glad that you will be in the paddock again, it's been too long." Pierre says as the waiter once again makes her way towards our table and take our order.

"I think I'm more excited than Pierre, I can't wait for us rating everyone's outfits and talking about all the hot guys." Kika says making me laugh as Pierre replies "Hey the only hot guy your aloud to look at is me" "Don't worry I am only looking, your the only one I want babe" Kika says looking at him.

As much as I want to cringe at their interaction I can't help but find their love for each other remarkable, making me feel like a major single loser.

"I will make sure she does not oogle to much at other guys Pierre, don't worry." I say jokingly, knowing I will be the one who probably points out every hot guy I see.

"You better." He says giving me a pointed look, "But Alex, everyone is really happy you will watching some of the races this season, I'm pretty sure there isn't one driver that isn't excited that you will be there, well maybe everybody except Max but you get the point." He says, the last part causing me drop the smile that was on my face.

"Wait, I thought Alex and Max were like extremely close? Well that's what I heard." Kika says making me want to disappear from this conversation.

"Oh they were but they had a huge falling out a few years back, before Alex left for University and Max have only been racing in Formula 1 for a few months at the time. Which by the way you still haven't told me the reason of Alex." Pierre says giving me a look that just screams 'spill the tea bitch'.

"It was years ago it does not matter anymore." I say defensively, really not wanting to have this conversation now.

"Exactly it was years ago, so nothing will come of it if you tell me." He says " Pierre can you please just drop it." I say, he clearly sees by the look I'm giving him I don't want to discuss the matter. Thankfully he drops the subject and we start talking about the last year and what everyone has been doing.

The lunch came too an end after 3 hours of catching up and gossiping about people, when Pierre needed to leave because he had a meeting.

I head back home, and head to my room since nobody is home. I look around at my room, observing and judging my teenage selfs taste in decor.

Souvenirs from places our family has traveled to on vacation, the awfully orange bedding and posters of famous paintings littered around the four walls, the walls they are on being a grey color. I still remember the afternoon I decided to paint them that color, somehow I convinced Max to help me but we ended up throwing paint at each other completely forgetting the task at hand.

I quickly shake the memory away and go lay on my bed. Clearly 16 year old me not only had bad taste in decor but also men.

I hear the front door open, and footsteps heading upstairs. " Alex?! Are you home!" Charles shouts "Yeah, I'm in my room." I shout back.

Not shortly after my door opens and Charles walks towards my bed and sit next to where I am laying. "How was your lunch with Pierre and Kika?" He asks me, " Good it was nice to see them again and catch up, it feels weird being back though," I say while once again looking around my room.

"I can imagine, although I'm not complaining about you being back, even if you can be a pain in the ass at times." He says with a smile.

"Oh shut up, what type of brother would I be if I don't irritate you. Also I will be traveling with you for the next couple of months so I will only be back for good technically speaking when I come back from your race in Belgium."

"Yeah yeah I know, and with that I also wanted to say we are heading to Bahrain 3 day before the race, so exactly next week Monday." He says standing up from the bed, " I'm going to go exercise in the gym downstairs if you want to join me? The gym at my apartment flooded that's why I decided to come over here to exercise "

"Thanks for the offer but I'm tired so I think I'm going to take a nap." I say. Charles leaves my room after saying  I can join him if I change my mind closing the door behind him.

Leaving me alone with my thoughts once again. I stand up to close the curtains and get under the covers of my duvet letting sleep consume me.


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