I stare across the room, looking at Max talking to some girl named Kelly. I down my drink as I see her put her hand on his arm as she laughs at something he has said. I can't even do anything, there is cameras everywhere since we are at the redbull hospitality. It's the Spanish Grad prix and I have never wished so badly in my life I didn't come to this.
The whole fucking day she has been around him, just because she is the daughter of an F1 legend doesn't mean she can waltz in here and acts like she owns the place, more so act like she owns my boyfriend.
The worst part of it all is I know they have history, and the fact that Max is not turning her down and by the looks of it encouraging her instead. I get up and leave because I know if I stay another minute I might actually puke or say something way out of pocket towards her.
I already know what my brother would say if I told him about this, so I walk straight past the Ferrari garage and towards the Aston Martin garage.I know I know what the hell am I going to do there, turns out Lance is actually not just a rich spoilt guy in fact he is really nice to talk to, we met at the last races afterparty and we honestly had an amazing time talking to each other, that was of course before I got drunk out of my mind.
I see him the moment I am near the garage and he immediately greats me, " Hey, Alex! Great to see you man." He says and pulls me into a 'bro hug', god he is as straight as they can come.
"Yeah same, I was wondering if I can talk to you about something actually? I know we don't really know each other that well but that is exactly what I need right now, someone that will not make a biased opinion." I ask nervously, I mean of course I trust Lance but still you never know he might find me asking for advice really weird.
"Of course, let's just go somewhere a little more private, I mean standing in the open is probably not ideal." I let out an audible sigh, thanking the universe he didn't laugh in my face.
We both sit down somewhere quite in the garage and I tell him the whole ordeal, turns out he is a sucker for drama, as he makes comments like, " that bitch", " I can't believe him", "in front of you?", the whole time.
"So what do you think I should do?" I question him as I am done ranting about Max and Kelly.
" Honestly, the irrational side of me says to give them both a slap in the face, but the rational side of me says to talk to him, I saw the way you guys were at that party you clearly love each other a lot, so just calm down and talk to him about it and if you want I could totally create an distraction for that Kelly girl so you can steal him away from her."
"I know, but like I'm genuinely worried, what if she causes him to once again deny his feelings for me or something, do you know he was suppose to reveal our relationship now that it is Pride month but he has said nothing about it? Maybe I'm just crazy at this point!"
" Alex, he clearly——" Lance cuts himself off when he spots something behind me, " speak of the devil." He mumbles under his breath. "What?" I question but I understand the moment I see Max now standing between me and Lance.
"So this is where you disappeared off too?" He asks with a sour tone, as if he should be the one that should be mad. Fucking hell how badly I want to slap his perfect fucking face.
I see Lance wants to say something but I quickly respond to Max's fucking ridiculous question, " Yes and is it a problem? Last I saw you where to busy with Kelly to even look at me. Oh by the way where is Kelly now? I would just love to compliment her on her Hermes bag, although I noticed it was two season's backs collection? You would think a fashion girlie like her would know that."
Lance has to put his hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing and I can see Max is fuming but I don't care, he is the one that has been ignoring me! The audacity of this man.
"Alex, don't be a fucking whining bitch about it, me and Kelly are friends okay? Am I seriously getting lectured from you of all people about it when you flirt with every guy you see!" He angrily yells, catching the attention of Fernando walking by.Before I can even say anything back Lance pushes him, " Bro what the actual fuck is wrong with you!? You are clearly fucking stupid if you think Alex was flirting with me, in fact he was asking me advice on you! He fucking loves you and your to scared to face it, so don't you dare call him a whiny bitch when you are clearly one!"
I am shocked beyond words, Fernando pulls Max away from Lance and they disappear while I just stand here in shock. " I am sorry for interfering but what he said was wrong and I knew I had to say something." Lance says.
"No, it's fine. I really appreciate it, it means a lot."
After exchanging a few more words, his mechanic calls him saying the race was almost to start. So I walk towards the Ferrari garage peeling of my Redbull jacket, guess I won't be needing this today.
Author note:
Have I been writing everything except for this book? Yes, yes I have.I'm so sorry I feel like I've been neglecting my children😭anyway hope you enjoyed the drama. Don't forget to comment I love reading your opinions! Love you lots❤️

FanfictionIn which Alexander Leclerc returns to Monaco after finishing his degree in History and comes face to face with the person he so desperately never wanted to see again. His first love. His first heartbreak. Formula 1 two time World Champion. Max Verst...