Chapter 9

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''Ooo, who is that?'' I ask Kika. Me, Kika and Lexi are all sitting together, the race starting in about an hour. Me and Lexi are kinda okay now, after talking to Charles he apologized and told her that she can't lend the book since it means so much to me.

She of course understood and was really nice about the whole situation, but for some reason I feel a little off about her. Maybe it's because me and Charlotte were really close and I miss her, but I know I will probably need to get use to Lexi, it's the least I can do after I caused a scene regarding her lending my book.

''That's Logan Sargeant, twenty-two,he drives for William's it's his rookie year, he's American and gives of total frat boy energy to be honest, has no girlfriend that I'm aware of, and in my opinion not to bad to look at, but don't tell Pierre I said that'' Kika says giving me the full rundown on him, the last part causing Lexi to giggle.

''Ugh, I've always have been a sucker for blonds, but he definitely is fully straight I can just seen it, and my gaydar is usually correct.'' I groan, such a shame he truly isn't bad to took at.

''Who knows maybe he's one of those super closeted one's, and if there is anyone who can cause someone's gay awakening it's you, if you were straight I would totally leave Pierre for you.'' She says making me laugh.

''Wait, Alex I don't want to seem mean or anything but are you fully gay, or do you go by another label or no labels?'' Lexi ask, I can see she is nervous to ask me this, but I don't mind I'm very open when talking about my sexality.

''I am fully gay, I have experimented in my first year at university to see if I was maybe interested in other genders but I quickly realized I only liked guys, though I must say non-binary people are usually super attractive to me, so who knows, but for now I just say I'm gay.'' I say truthfully, I have always kinda known I don't see girls in a romantic way, and I have never had the opportunity to see I feel such feelings for someone who is non-binary or another gendered, so maybe if it does happen in the future I would reconsider my labels but for now I'm contempt with people calling me gay.

''Oh okay, I was wondering, and I didn't want to assume anything without truly knowing,'' she says with a small smile on here face.

Me and the girls continue to make conversation, Lexi tells us more about how university is going for her as an architecture student, and I must say I am quickly warming up to her, she is really easy to talk to. Kika told her future plans for her modeling career and just as I was about to answer their question on what it entails to be a historian someone called out my name.

''Alexander!'' Max calls out as he quickly makes his way over to us, ''Shouldn't you be getting ready for the race? it's literally about to start in ten minutes'' I ask utterly confused.

''I wanted to return this to you, you left it in hospitality earlier.'' he gives me my sunglasses that I didn't even realize I lost. ''Okay, well thanks, and also good luck, although you don't need it.'' I say. He joggs back to the Red Bull garage leaving me super confused.

''That was weird, I mean could he not just give it to you after the race.'' Lexi says clearly also wondering the same thing as I am currently. ''Yeah I have no idea.''

''Wait, since when were you to civil with each other again? I thought you hated each other for a mysterious reason no one knows apparently.'' Kika says looking at me.

''We just kinda talked for the first time in six years a while back, and I don't know ever since then we are okay with each other again.'''' Just kinda talked?'' Kika ask with a weird look in her eyes.'' Yeah I don't know, but we are fine and don't want to kill each other so I guess that is a plus.'' I say.

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