Chapter 7

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I am once again back in Monaco, the Saudi Arabia Grand prix only being held the 17-19th, giving me two weeks to spend with my family.

''Maman, remember not too short okay. 'I say to my mom, she is currently standing behind me cutting my hair. ''Alexander how many times have I cutted your hair perfectly! Stop complaining or I will cut out a big chunk on purpose.''

I quickly shut up, not wanting to upset her making her go through with her threat, because believe me when I say she would do it. Arthur once didn't want to clean his room for like three months, so she put all the clothes that was laying on his floor into garbage bags and donated them. After that whole ordeal, I have never seen his room with even a speck of dust, always neat and clean.

Looking in the mirror in front of me, I see how focused my mom is on the task at hand. Though my attention is not on her, but the picture that is taped on the top of the mirror.

It's a photo that she took on my 16th birthday, Lorenzo and Charles both with food in their mouths, yet still smiling, Arthur making a funny face, and then right in the centre of the photo is me and Max, his arm draping over my shoulder a wide smile on both our faces. My God, I can't even escape him in my own house.

Ever since Bahrain I haven't stopped thinking about our conversation. To be honest it is driving me insane at this point. I haven't thought this much about Max in years.

''See cut perfectly. Your hair has never looked better.''My mom says pulling me out of my thoughts about the picture. I drift my gaze, to look at my hair in the reflection.

Like always my mom has done exactly what I have asked of her, ''Thank you Maman, it looks amazing, I really appreciate it.'' I stand up and give her a hug. ''No problem mon garçon, what are your plans for today? Since everyone is busy with something.'' she asks.

''I was thinking about going for a walk and then do some reading in the park for a while, you know get some peace and quiet, I love you all but it's been crazy these past days which I'm not use too.'' I say truthfully, I mean I did have a roommate in university, but we did our own things, not really bothering each other, so it is a complete contrast to living with my family again.

''Oh, I know exactly what you mean, ever since you have been here Charles and Lorenzo has been visiting so much it feels like when you were younger again, running around and yelling at each other." She says making me laugh. Me and my brother's truly act like little children when we are together.

Shortly afterwards I was in workout clothes, with a tote bag on my shoulder for my bottle of water and my book. Heading out the door, shouting to my mom I'm leaving.

I make my way through the streets of Monaco, nothing has changed that much, yet it will always be one of the most beautiful countries to me. Maybe it's because I grew up here or have a lot of memories at a lot of the places, but ether way I know for a fact that I have missed it.

I see the park in the distance, the astonishingly beautiful trees and flowers everywhere, making the park look like an oasis out of Avatar, quite the contrast between the tall hotels and rich sports cars.

Turning the page of my book, I hear someone walking by and sitting down next to me on the bench but I'm to engrossed in my book than to see who is breathing heavy next to me.

''I see your still fascinated by the Tudors.'' the person next to me says, I look up when I realize I know that Dutch accent. I am convinced I can't escape him at this point.

''You can never know too much.'' I say. We both sit in silence just looking at each other like we are in a trance. I quickly snap out of it, ''So what brings you too the park this lovely morning?'' I ask wondering.

''Just out for a run, but I needed a rest, and the park has a lot of shade, so I decide to rest under one of these trees and this seems to be the only open bench'' Max says looking out at all the trees surrounding us.'' Shaping up for the Suadi Arabia race? Uhm... not that you're not in shape you look fantastic... wait not like that!'' I ramble nervously.

Max burst out laughing next to me,'' No it's fine I know what you mean,'' he says with a reassuring smile on his face,'' And yeah, always preparing for the next race you know.''

''Does it ever get repetitive for you? Always preparing for the next race coming up, same training and everything?'' I ask, I have always wondered this, if the thrill of being a racer ever fades out. I know for Kimi it started to become more of a hobby than a job after a while, so I wondered if some of the other drivers have also felt this way.

''You would think it does, and I know a lot of the drivers had some time period where they have felt like this, but if I'm being honest with you, I have never felt that way. Probably because it's all I have known my whole life, not really given another choice than to race.''

Max's words plays back in my head. I have first handed seen the way Jos drilled Max to be the best, always expecting so much of him, even when he was just a little boy. It makes me sad to think about what he been through, and the fact he was never given the chance to truly decide if being a racer is what he really wanted to be.

''Well as long as you're enjoying it, it's all that matters, and I bet you enjoy winning all the time'' I say the last bit in a jokily tone causing him to let out a little laugh. His laugh has always been one of my favourite things about him, it is so contagious to everyone around him, and as cliche as it may sound his laugh is music to my ears, knowing even if it was just for a split second, he is happy.

"Yeah, winning definitely is one of the best feelings, knowing I have made my dad and country proud." He says, I want to add saying him winning also makes me proud but I keep that to myself.

Cutting our conversation short, Max's phone rang and he had to leave for a meeting with Christian. Leaving me disappointed with how soon our conversation ended.

I know I shouldn't feel this way, I should not even be talking to him after what he has said and done in the past. But I can't help myself, conversations with Max has always come so naturally, I have always been able to talk to him about everything with ease.

I open my book to where I left of before, hoping that what ever is happening between me and Max, even if it is only the start of friendship that it wouldn't end up in a Blood bath caused by 'Bloody Mary' herself.

_________________________________Author here
I just wanted to say thank you so much for 200 reads, this book is based on a random idea I had one night so I am glad you all are enjoying it. Also, I don't really have an update schedule, so I just update when I have time.

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