Max's POV:
I wake up, sad to realize the spot next to me is empty, Alexander stayed almost the whole week with me, except last night, as he had a early start needing to be at the museum, but I won't see him till next week much to my dismay, as the Leclerc family is going on a small trip together this weekend.
To say these last few days has been amazing would be an understatement. From our dinner on Sunday, to going karting together yesterday, and all the sweet moments in between, like us cuddling while watching the most boring documentaries, I only tolerate them because I have Alexander in my arms, to me cooking us every meal while he sits on the counter just watching.
Honestly any time spent near him has always been my favorite, because I can be myself and I know he won't judge me, no need to pretend I am someone I am not.
I am pulled out of my daydreams about my wonderful Alexander, by my manger reminding me about the meeting I have today. I already know what it is about, absolutely dreading the conversation I will most likely have today.
After me and Alexander posted our dinner on instagram the whole f1 community went into a spiral, in all seriousness we both didn't think they would react that way to post that the other's face wasn't even in, but god knows they are like FBI agents because they figured out that the pasta in my post was on the menu of his post, confirming we were together that night.
It would have all been so simple, I mean most people would have just thought it is two friends going out for dinner, but past pictures resurfaced making people question 'why they didn't see it earlier'
So for the last week the whole internet has been trying to figure out what truly is happening. I have gotten a lot of people sending me messages about how they support me and then of course on the contrary death threats and called slurs, but it's nothing I am not use too.
And now I have a meeting with Christian and my PR manger. I am not afraid of losing my seat, no I'm actually quite fine if they fire me, but the fact that either way I would have to come out to the whole world is what I am dreading. Don't get me wrong I love Alexander and want to hold his hand in public and do couple things but coming out is something so daunting and terrifying and I'm so scared even if I know I shouldn't be.
I sigh, getting ready and soon I'm in my car driving towards the Red Bull office, maybe if they fire me I can open a restaurant or even my own karting center, or maybe both?
Everyone has always told me they wouldn't fire me because of my sexuality, but let's all be real F1 is an extremely old school sport when it comes to those things, even if they won't admit it themselves.
I park my car and hesitate opening the door. I take a deep breath, now or never I guess. I make my way towards Christian's office feeling more nervous than before, I really hope he is okay with me, I don't think I can handle the disappointment on or rejection of another 'dad' in my life.
I knock on the door, then hear a quite 'come in', when I open the door however it's only Christian and my PR manger, Maggie is nowhere in sight, god this is going to be really awful then.
" Max-"
" Before you say anything, fire me or call me slurs there's something I need to get off my chest first. Christian you know how much racing means to me and how much I love this sport, but I love Alexander more, I would turn in my resignation right now if that is what you are asking of me. I can't loose him again and I mean it, so give me worse but this is who I am, and who I love, and I'm not changing because F1 can't seem to modernize who races." I say so quickly that I am out of breath, anxiously waiting for his reply.
"Max you know I love you as a son," I wait for the 'but'.
" so don't take this to heart but fucking finally, what took you so long I thought you where never going to realize."

FanfictionIn which Alexander Leclerc returns to Monaco after finishing his degree in History and comes face to face with the person he so desperately never wanted to see again. His first love. His first heartbreak. Formula 1 two time World Champion. Max Verst...