Me and Max arrive at his apartment. The moment I am inside I look around to see what has changed over the years, as it was still the same apartment he lived in when he was 18.
Multiple helmets and trophies against the walls a few books scattered around and overall the place screams Max, not minimalistic yet not overcrowded with decor.
" If I knew you would be coming over, I would have cleaned the place a little." He says while rushing around picking up a T-shirt and an empty water bottle, his muscles more prominent when he moves around making him look even more attractive. I really think I should never drink again because it is only making me want him more.
"Oh don't worry the place is practically spotless and besides nothing I am not use too, my brothers were like pigs growing up."
" Come on, Jimmy and Sassy is probably in my room." He starts walking towards his room, his words reminding me why I was here in the first place, to meet his cats, yeah my brain totally didn't forget about that. Mentally I am dying just being alone with him but keep my composure and follow him to his room, the very same room that we... no never mind, I shouldn't be having thoughts like this we just started being civil with each other.
"Ah there you guys are." My heart practically melts at the sight in front of me, Max sitting down on him bed with one cat in his lap and the other purring against his arm.
" Well this one is Jimmy he is pretty chill and this is Sassy, the one that likes to get stuck in walls" he says looking at Sassy which is the one on his lap with a scolding yet loving look. "They aren't going to bite you know you can pet them if you would like."
I only then realize I am still standing in the doorway. I slowly make my way towards the bed and sit down next to Max, hesitantly petting Jimmy who has seen to take an interest in me.
As I continue petting Jimmy who has made his way onto my lap, I look up to Max, only to find that he was already looking at me. Neither one of us saying anything and just looking at each other, no admiring each other.
His eyes. Those gorgeous blue eyes of his. No matter what I have always thought his eyes were the most beautiful thing about him physically. A deep ocean blue, that turns a lighter blue when he is mad. I have spent countless hours trying to get those eyes out of my dreams, yet now looking at them I never want to forget them.
"I am going to sound ridiculous right now but I once wrote a poem about your eyes." I have no idea why I said that and the moment the words left my mouth I was instantly embarrassed, but I knew I had to say something before the tidal waves in his eyes pulled me into them and causes me to be lost at sea. Oh my god I'm starting to sound like Pinterest quotes.
" Wait what? Really, when?" he ask surprised clearly not expecting me to admit to something like this. "Quite a while ago it was for school, I got full marks so guess I should thank you."
I can see the wheels turning in his head after my confession, guess neither of us expected me to say that.
''Well I'm glad my eyes could be of assistance.'' He says in a jokily tone, breaking the awkwardness, he could probably tell I was embarrassed about what I said. ''If it makes you feel better I use to write these awfully worded letters to you, I never got the courage to send them though.'' He shyly confess looking down to Sassy who is making her way out of Max's lap, avoiding my gaze.
''No way! You have to show me them.'' Although I don't show it, my heart is racing at the thought that he wrote me letters, even if it was years ago. ''NO! it's atrocious I couldn't even spell correctly back then so you won't even understand them.''
''As if you can spell any better now.'' I say causing him to laugh, I remember how he always gave me his homework and essays to look over to correct the spelling mistakes, and from the way Danny talked tonight about how he needs to decipher Max's text I don't think he has gotten any better in spelling.
''Hey! I have gotten a bit better, I've been practicing.'' he defensively says.''Sure, whatever floats your boat'' I tease.
Silence once again fill the cold air that surrounds us, I see Max looking at me with a look I haven't seen in a while; love. Okay that's it I have officially lost my mind, I am drunk and clearly mistaking emotions now too, besides I don't know him like I use to, for all I know he could be looking at me with disgust.
My conversation with myself completely vanishes when I see him gazing down to my lips.
Before I can even stop myself, I kiss him. At first I could tell he was surprised but then he pulls me in more and places his hand on my cheek. And as much as I want to hate myself for kissing him I can't, it feels too wonderful, I forgot how it felt to kiss him, the way my body reacts to his subtle touches, the way he knows exactly what I like, the way everything around us seems to disappear, the way he felt like home.
I rake my hands through his hair, slightly pulling on it when he slipped his tongue into my mouth. He lets out a groan, causing me to be more turned on than I would like to admit. I slowly pull away, even if I really did not want too, knowing neither of us will stop if it goes on longer.
We both look at each other as we catch our breaths. I expected to see regrets in Max's eyes but I don't, his eyes clouded with an emotion I can't properly tell.
''That was...'' he trails off, ''Yeah...'' I almost whisper so quietly I am not sure he even heard.
I clear my throat and say,''I should probably leave, it's really late already.'' The last thing I want to do is leave but I know no matter how much I enjoyed the kiss it's better for the both of us if it never happens again. ''You can stay for the night, in the guest bedroom I mean, like you said it's really late and I don't think it is the safest for you to go out alone.'' He says rather quickly.
I am honestly too tired to go home, so I agree and he takes me to the guest bedroom and tells me goodnight before leaving me alone with thoughts circling my mind about the blue eyed F1 driver down the hall.
I have a feeling I am not going to fall asleep easily tonight.
Author here:
Thank you all for 1000 reads, it means so much to me.Love you lots <3Also I would love to hear your ideas surrounding a ship name for Alex and Max because I can't come up with a good one lol. And lastly for future chapters, would you guys want smut? like I haven't wrote it before but I kinda feel like it would be beneficial for the story line so please share your thoughts on that as well.

FanfictionIn which Alexander Leclerc returns to Monaco after finishing his degree in History and comes face to face with the person he so desperately never wanted to see again. His first love. His first heartbreak. Formula 1 two time World Champion. Max Verst...