''Charles!!!! I swear to God I'm going to kill you!'' I shout at him while he is busy running through the paddock, trying to escape me. All the reporters and photographers turn our way, wondering why Ferraris Golden Boy is running for his life.I already know that the Netflix team is ecstatic, probably thinking about some outrageous name for the episode they are going to put this in, 'Leclerc brothers hatred for each other'. Although at this moment they aren't that far of because all I can see is red, and it isn't all the ferrari fans, no it is pure hatred.
That fucking idiotic one cell dickhead decided it was a good idea to say he will lend that Lexi girl MY limited edition of Pride and Prejudice that was signed by Jane Austen herself, that I was gifted at my twenty-first birthday. Not only does that book cost more than a fortune, but it has a lot of sentimental value to me, since it was Seb that got me it, knowing how much I love Pride and Prejudice and would ramble on about Mr. Darcy to him.
And Charles decided to say on my behalf that Lexi, who mind you I just met today could just lend it. I mean be fucking for real now, maybe if I knew her better sure, but even then it would take a lot for me to give it to someone else to read.
After Lexi left to Charles's driving room, I could not contain it anymore, starting to shout at him about how he could at least asked me, I would have said no fucking way but at least he asked rather than saying she could lend it, without even consulting the owner of the prized book.
Some would say I'm overreacting of course, but to be honest I don't care because that one singular book means more to me than any other thing I own.
'' I know I should have asked you, but please just let her read it!'' Charles yells back at me as he continues running. '' You absolute fucking asshole, you know how much that book means to me, and no way in hell, I can't believe you can't even get a girl without flaunting your own brother's most prized possession towards her!'' I yell back enraged, I am so angry that I don't even realize I am about to crash into Max and Daniel.
''Woah there!'' Max says the moment I crash into him, his hands on my shoulders trying to steady the both of us, since I almost caused us to fall to the ground. ''You okay there man? you look like your about to murder Charles.'' Danny ask looking towards the direction in which Charles disappeared to.
''It probably looks like I want to murder him, because I am'' I try to make a run for it again but Max's grip on me tightens stopping me. ''Let go Max or I swear your next on my list,'' despite my threat he doesn't let go, his hands remains holding on to my shoulders, causing me to get even more angry, not the fact he isnt letting me go, but rather about the way me body is burning up as a respond to his touch.
''I will let you go once you have calmed down, otherwise, Ferrari might have one driver short tomorrow.'' he says. ''What on earth did he do for you to be acting this mad?'' Danny ask.
''Oh you know, just offered my Limited edition, signed Pride and Prejudice book that Sebastian gave to me, to a girl he wants to impress, nothing to drastic.'' I say sarcastically.
''Okay I get it now,'' Max says, he knows how I am when it comes to my books, they are like my children. ''Why don't we all go get something to eat, and then you can explain to Charles why you won't be giving the book to her.'' Danny suggest camly.
''Sure'' I say sourly, I knowing I should probably calm down and then go find my brother. The three of us make our way towards Red bull hospitality, I instantly notice how much nicer it is than Ferrari and Mclaren's, guess they have a way bigger budget.
''If they don't have something you want and let me know, I can get somebody to get it for you.'' Max says making me look at him like he has grown a second head. ''I'm pretty sure I can find something here, it looks like they can feed an army with all this food.'' I say looking at all the options.
We all got something to eat and headed towards a table to sit at. Some of the staff looking strangely at me since I have Ferrari merch on.
''So how are you feeling about the race?'' I ask Max.''Nervous as always but also excited hoping for P1 as always, but overall feeling great.'' he answers. ''How are you enjoying being back in the paddock, I can imagine it's nice to see your brother race again?''
''Yeah, I am still nervous when he gets into the car, but it's great being back.'' I say, Max giving me a look I can't really place. I instead turn my attention to Danny who looks like he is eating up this whole interaction between the two of us.
Despite that, we all continue talking about anything and everything. It feel nice to be able to talk like this with them again, I didn't know I missed it until now. The pointless banter about random topics, Max and I teaming up against Daniels ridiculous statements, laughing like I haven't in a long time every time someone makes a joke.
And in this moment, looking towards Max trying to stuff as many fries as he can into his mouth, I realize for the first time in a while I feel contempt and just truly how much I have missed him.

Hayran KurguIn which Alexander Leclerc returns to Monaco after finishing his degree in History and comes face to face with the person he so desperately never wanted to see again. His first love. His first heartbreak. Formula 1 two time World Champion. Max Verst...